Tucker wasn't surprised, but his brow began to furrow a little when he saw the comer. It was the most unexpected scene that happened, I thought that the so-called actual prison system would not have other kinds of people and how admirable Ms. Emily was, but unfortunately it was not uncommon for uninvited guests to appear, such as the current one and the man who looked a little old.

"My dear Councillor Edken, your visit was really unexpected, don't you know that Her Highness Emily has said that the prison has been under severe lockdown lately?" his tone was not lacking in sarcasm, but more in a calm narrative. "You are not welcome here. "

As for Tucker's understanding of Edken, even if he has entered middle age, he is the first group of councilors who have entered the so-called new era, and the victors of the war who have sufficient status and resources since the Third Star War have jointly formed a council, and the royal family cannot stop this, because of the will of the people, the suppression will only lead to more resistance.

As a rising organization, the parliament can be said to have experienced its own prosperity and corruption in a short period of time. The glorious remnants of war are not always lucky enough to live long, and their next generation is often born in times of peace and fought against their parents.

At that time, the Thunder Star Domain was in ruins, and the establishment of the Federation made the circulation of money begin to flow smoothly, and for the first time, the entire universe had its own foundation for stability and prosperity, that is, there was a place where conflicts could be resolved in a peaceful way, and to everyone's surprise, such an organization had a strange ability to ensure the purity of its humanoid employees, which was almost impossible to do.

On this basis, almost except for the apostles of the angel clan who did not make any moves, most of the apostles made some concessions, among which the concessions of the apostles of thunder were the most huge, and he gave up almost all the positions. It has also led to the most rapid growth of his people in history.

As a result, the people still spontaneously believe in thunder and gods, the so-called gods, after all, he only exists.

The council also changed dramatically in the midst of this dramatic change, with most of the honorees sending their children to church or studying finance. The circulation of money has allowed the giant economies of the whole world to rise in a very short period of time, and they are like those vines, or the silk of dodder.

Their flourishing is built on a rigid set of mechanics that transcend epochal significance, but that's not the point. The important thing is that in the midst of such upheaval, the economy became the dominant factor, the currency became the dominant factor, and the other so-called original glory of parliament, the dignity of the royal family, was quickly eroded from history, and parliament became the first to integrate into the collective.

Through a great deal of systematic development and learning, and a large amount of investment in various fields, the assets generated through the accumulation of war in the early days officially became capital from this moment, and the parliament remains the most important supporter of economics today.

In contrast, the support of the royal family has benefited everything from medical care to war, from churches to infrastructure. The aspects related to the people are the domain of the royal family, which is why in fact the royal family has still had the upper hand in the past two years, while the parliament has been in decline a little.

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