For an objective history book, such a description can indeed allow Juji to peek into the depth of the contradictions between the people and the upper echelons in the so-called second most powerful star field.

This is indeed a very new discovery, after all, for Juji himself, this is the first time he has come into contact with the contradictions between the upper echelons and the people, and it can be said that it has brought him a profound enough impact for the first time, but he can't help but wonder who is next to him to comment on such words, so bold and radical, after all, for him now, he actually knows too little about this place.

The actual content will have to wait for him to stay a little longer.

"Ahhh The surprise in Penari's voice was indescribable.

"Long time no see, Penari, you don't seem glad to see me. "The adult male's voice is more magnetic and intimidating than that of the second prince, but overall it is still very gentle. Why are these princes all following the line of governing the country by soft means, and why are they more subdued than the other? Judah started today's inner drama again as a spit servicer.


"I didn't run away. The tone of the eldest prince is quite provocative, and he can make up his eyebrows before he even sees the humanoid himself, and it is less and less like what the prince should be, and don't say such things in such a voice, Judah always has a sense of dislocation of this humanoid, and he seems that his voice is not very different from the words he said.

Judah chalked it up to a meaningless illusion of humanoid preconceptions. So he walked over directly, and secretly prayed in his heart that his appearance would not be separated from before.

Fortunately, things were indeed as he expected, and indeed many things were in line with his heart, the eldest prince looked very similar to Luo Wei, and there were no strange lines on his face, although Juji was ready to see such lines, but it did not seem to be very surprising. After all, the appearance rate of the eldest prince, or the exposure in front of the public, is much better than the other two, except for Emily, who has been active.

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