He was calm like a ghost, just watching the quarrel between Ray and Currency know the silence. He never spoke since the beginning of the quarrel, just stared at the top of the church, a very simple mythical story about the birth of the Apostle Thunder.

Legend has it that the Apostle of Thunder was born in the midst of war.

In the long and narrow battlefield, there is a fire that belongs to either side or does not.

The bravest warriors prayed earnestly for their own victory.

At the time of the deepest darkness;

At the time of the most empty nothingness comes;

Hurry up, hurry up,

hurry up

The warrior thought so.

A dazzling light emerged from the center of the battlefield, and that was the birth of the Thunder Apostle. None of the humanoids knew where He came from, but all humanoids spoke to Him of suffering and hope. Expressing gratitude to the gods.

It is a bright light in the middle of the war. Although the Apostle is not depicted, humanoids who are familiar with this legend will be able to quickly see that this is a picture depicting the birth of the Apostle of Thunder. Because such a scene is so rare, even in the earliest years of war, the appearance of light is already a rare thing. The scale of large-scale warfare often determines that even weapons of mass destruction, or direct magic, do not produce a huge light, both to prevent premature detection and to save energy.

And such a light is rarely seen in a realm, of course, unless it is the Angel Clan, through their original extravagant and wasteful character, it is not surprising that such a scene occurs, but the dazzling brilliance of the Angel Clan is never used on the battlefield.

The silence of the stream and the silence of the thunder is obviously an extreme offense to the currency. He was a young apostle who had not experienced the kind of apostolic intercourse with. I don't understand what my fault is, or even if He asks such a question, there is no proper answer, because He is good, and He does do it to the point of being excellent.

It's just that He is not suitable, not because of His inadequacy or His immaturity, but simply because He is no longer fit for the development of the material basis of the present. What money needs is change, and the other two here are clear enough to tell the truth. But none of them would tell Him right now, and this is something that every apostle should learn to understand for himself.

Growth is something that every creature needs, and this is true for creatures that will die, and even more so for creatures that don't die naturally. The fundamental reason for this is that so-called growth is not the way to live better.

For the apostles this was a necessary condition, and only growth allowed them to live. The replacement of apostles is often a matter of moments, and some apostles become humanoids all at once, not because of their wrong behavior, but because God no longer needs them.

The currency did not speak again, but fell silent after the same hysteria. All of a sudden, the whole church was left with only distant myths, showing the silence of thunder, and the light of the stained glass seemed to dim a lot. Cui Wei's high mountain stands between you and all of you, separated from all living things by the barrier of thought. The linguistic commonality did not lead to the Tower of Babel and Utopia, and Cain was already in place between the three.

Stream wished he could be Judas, at least that's what he did.

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