Liutui walked in, a little strange about Lei Xuan's position, and then saw a lonely humanoid sitting in the empty church.

A humanoid in a lilac robe covering the top and bottom was holding a very old-looking book, and there were no other humanoids in the whole church, only one humanoid, and Stream could only see the back of Ray. From the time a humanoid race was chosen to become an apostle, there was no such thing as a name, and even their families would forget that they belonged to their original existence, they represented their own star field, and the right to belong to their own star field.

It can be said that it has become a so-called symbol in the real sense, which has led to a very serious matter, and these humanoids only have long-term contact with the apostles who compete and cooperate with them in various aspects.

Generally speaking, the private relationship between these apostles is actually quite good, only Ray and Angel have always maintained their own high profile, but in the past few years, or since the establishment of the Federation, the relationship between Ray and Currency has suddenly improved in a strange manner. Although she or he had known Ray for years, she had never known his gender, but fortunately there was a common reference to both the apostles and God, Him.

Although the cheap artificial light has its inexpensive character, it can still have its own Tyndall effect under the reflection of stained glass, and the colorful light shines on the hem of Lei Shunyan's body that fits on the bench, and the extremely expensive lapis lazuli from the old times reflects the unique sparkle of religion.

The appearance of thunder on such a planet is extremely unusual, because Yiliu's understanding is that this one cherishes his feathers very much all the year round, and even the voice of commerce does not want to enter his own star field, and he wishes that everyone's faith is a silent ascetic, of course, there was a time when he did this.

It wasn't until I walked into the stream that I found out that everything was for a reason, the culprit was lying on Lei's body unharmed at this time, a lazy shadow, and the humanoid wearing the texture of the golden mist was lying on the lap of the dignified figure, enjoying his own sleep peacefully.

At the same time, Ray was calmly using his own body temperature to ensure the sleep of the currency while reading the books that he had disdained before, and he recognized them at a glance, the golden bindings, the hieroglyphic words. It was a book issued by the gods, "Faith".

Liu's desire to break such a scene that would not last long began to increase as he came in, because "I haven't seen you for a long time, dear Comrade Xiaolei, and how did you get to someone's house with money." "

"I'm sleeping, it's really outrageous for you to say hello like this, and this is a commercial center, where can I be if I'm not here. "Money didn't even open its eyes, and of course the stream understood that it was because of the special nature of money itself.

"Don't be funny, the place that can make you fall asleep is estimated to only have the cathedral of the capital star, the port of the third-level star field of the thunder star field, and the wandering area. "Stream's incomprehension about the humanoids in front of him has lived almost twice the lifespan of the angel species, and being so naïve, after all, humanoids always have to grow up, but currency doesn't seem to have changed much since its birth.

Or the biggest change should have happened after the Second War of Unification, but he has no intention of delving into the changes in others.

"It's been a long time, flow. Lei's neutral voice came from under the hood of the robe, as for why it came out, because under the brim, Lei also wore a very heavy gold mask, the carving was extremely luxurious, and the carving on it was said to be Ray's personal experience, but to be honest, no humanoid who had seen it knew how to do that kind of meticulous and extravagant carving technique.

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