I have always disagreed with the so-called idea, but for the sake of something, it is possible that it will be necessary for some capable people to carry out some reasonable help to carry out social transformation, and I hope that with this ability, some poor people can understand that the moral standards of this world should have a basic understanding.

Obviously, the next thing is very simple, through the conscious guidance of the actual situation, let the people have some understanding of the actual so-called political game, do not let these contents are always not open to the people, let some things disenchant, instead of always letting everyone not understand what the actual content of the so-called politics is, so as to guide the people to understand the actual use of politics at the same time, it can also allow different people to understand the humanity of those who stand on it.

These contents can imperceptibly accumulate the disappointment of the actual political figures, and at the same time have a greater sense of intimacy with the new generation of characters, which is also the reason for regime change in many cases, it is very simple that the upper and lower classes do not understand, and the contradictions between each other can be caused very simply, and even in a sense, they do not need to be promoted.

In fact, this step only needs to add some reasonable class contradictions, the economic situation of the Thunder Star Domain has been showing a state from real to virtual in the past two years, and in this case, there are many contradictions about money that have also been highlighted, but this also makes the situation that has to be done, the life of the past two years is too peaceful, or since the establishment of the United Gang, although the status of the Thunder Star Domain has risen, but the ability to make a fortune from war has also lost a lot, so it can only rely on a series of contents about currency developed by the apostles of the Ninth Star Domain, but about the apostles of money, an apostle in the eyes of money, I even suspect that the economy of the Thunder Star Domain, which has been sluggish all these years, is something about this apostle.

Since Ray began to authorize a series of economic activities, the currency began to mess around, and Ray basically never took care of the drastic changes made by the currency on his territory, and because of the so-called ability to bring practical benefits to the star field, and smoothly from various things can be used to modify the law, a very practical problem, the triumphal arch of collusion between officials, businessmen and the military, so that those humanoids can make a lot of money under the legal situation, this is not a new thing.

The final step is much simpler, just put the new humanoid on the throne.

This plan was followed by a new piece of content that looked very new, and was pasted directly on a piece of paper.

Upper position

Donnie can be primarily responsible for the simple implementation of order (which is tested and workable). - The executor changed Western Europe

Judah can be in charge of social matters and has a basic understanding of the lives of the people at the bottom.

The eldest prince can carry out a series of things for domestic things, and he looks very affinable and suitable for being a signboard.

Jack's familiarity with the law should be that he can serve as an ordinary justice.

The chief is undecided.

Then the pen directly crossed out the name of Ju Er and replaced it with the second prince, such a note is so bold that it can even be said that if it is really realized, Liu himself will become a human race that controls the entire Thunder Star Domain, Jack does not dare to imagine. As far as he is concerned, he has indeed seen a lot of capable human races, but he is also a very powerful person who has put his mind on an entire regime.

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