"Oh, that's right. I've been living outside the home, and I rarely hear about home, so it still feels a little strange, thank you. Juji said casually politely, while already thinking about how to meet Stream, Stream also added his own magic when he helped him eliminate the magic left by Donnie, so that they could chat directly to a certain extent, but according to Flow's temperament, he should be very busy now, after all, he hasn't spoken since he separated from him just now.

Could it be that it was intercepted?, such suspicions flashed for a moment, because the previous stream said confidently, "This is definitely a contact method that has an effect anywhere in the world, but there is a certain difference in the amount of magic around it according to the distance, so the amount of magic I need to use has a certain amount of change." "

In view of his lack of basic understanding of the current situation, he decided to respond to all changes with the same and sit and watch the dragon and tiger fight, the enemy does not move, I do not move, the enemy does not move.

In short, Judah decided to concentrate on eating the meal in front of him, and then go to sleep, he had just gotten off the spaceship to get used to the gravity of the planet, in fact, such a thing should have been done from the beginning, but in fact, no one thought that the gravity inside the wandering area and the spaceship is different, not to mention the spaceship and the capital star, to put it bluntly, everyone overestimated Juji's tolerance for interstellar travel.

It was the first time he had come to a planet with a different gravity like this, so his discomfort would not be alleviated in any way by his bloodline or the long fights he had had, because it was his first time, and the gravity on the ship he had received was actually very light.

This is mainly due to the lazy nature of the stream himself, and sometimes he even suspects that if it weren't for the fact that the stream has to use a series of gravity-dependent liquids on the ship to keep itself clean, and in fact, the energy bars will produce debris to prevent them from drifting, and the stream may have canceled the ship's gravity setting long ago.

Of course, the discomfort can't stop Juji's desire to eat, he hasn't eaten normal food for a long time, and few people in the wandering area will eat very high-end dishes, often some very simple and simple contents that can be eaten when cooked. Energy bars are quite extravagant, due to Donnie's control, energy bars are a relatively expensive expense in the wandering area, because to be honest, some humanoids have a food conversion efficiency that allows them to eat one and not have to eat again for a week.

As far as Judah is concerned, he doesn't really feel the pain of hunger, because he is used to it and doesn't care very much, but his body still reacts, and his limit is not to eat or drink for three days.

At that time, the garbage dump in the wandering area was about to be full due to the collapse of a large enterprise, and this dumping lasted for three whole weeks, but it was only on the third day that Donnie's men came, so he robbed it for three days, and sold everything directly to Donnie's men, but when he went to the base, he didn't see those people, probably because they were all small minions, Juji guessed at the time.

Juji quickly used his terrifying eating speed to get rid of all the food in front of him, and the guards stayed in front of the door after being asked. When Juji took out the plate, the guard with a little square head hesitated and asked, "Do you still want it?" "

Judah found that this kind of human race really didn't have any respect for himself and belonged to the royal family, and he was very familiar.

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