"If they go out, it shouldn't be us investigating, it's probably all our people knowing, just like before, there was only one person dispatched, it's hard to imagine what it would be like for them all to come out of those offices. "

"Guest, your beer, we don't have any cold here for the time being, only room temperature, why don't you add a few pieces of ice." The manager walked out with a bottle of beer and a bucket of ice.

"I see, I'll do it myself, trouble, we have something to say, is there a quieter place, we can also wait for your van a little. "

"We also have a few private rooms inside, as long as it is not discovered by the guests who book in the afternoon, don't mess with the tableware inside, and I will bring your dishes to the guests." Given that Green had finished eating, the manager didn't offer to help him get the food in.

"Okay, I'll serve it all at once when I'm done, thank you. Mark said as he walked into the dining room.

"How many dishes did you order?" Green wiped the sauce from the corner of his mouth, then stood up, intending to follow in Mark's footsteps. As he got up, the cat crept to his feet, and followed them a little slower with broken steps.

"About five or six dishes, all side dishes, very suitable for my appetizer. Mark did not shy away from saying, and there was a lot of momentum in his tone about when he didn't eat at this time. Green was a little helpless when he heard this. "You still like to take advantage of small advantages as before, the federal salary is not low, you apply for additional subsidies every time, it can't be enough, is your illness okay?"

"Don't speak in a tone that can lend me money right away, I can't help it, my illness won't flare up for at least a while, but during this time, I need to work harder, I borrowed a long-term loan. "

"I'll help you pay it back first, just as the price I paid for you, how about the annual interest rate drop by three points according to the long-term loan interest rate, I just need some excuse to spend money to go out now, Mei Li's appetite has been getting bigger and bigger lately. "

"The amount of food I eat depends on you, and you don't know about it for a day or two, even if you lend it out, it's useless, but I can be a little more restrained at this point, those amounts of food are not mine, but if I don't eat, I will be lazy. "

"Is the source of the power, is this bill reimbursed?" Mark didn't care about this aspect of things, but he did know that Green had been working hard to get the wool of the Federation, and he could see his reimbursement form almost every month, as long as he wasn't out in the field, basically all the time.

"Of course you can, he has his own formal contract for a hired worker, but he can't earn his own food money, so he can only rely on the subsidy of me, the owner, that is, every time I am reimbursed, I have to be specific about what power is used and where, and the consumption of unknown sources can only be paid by myself, which is really troublesome. "

"Let's get back to the point, I'm going to be in charge of investigating my client, a novelist and voice artist, and most of her work is about magical events. For example, ghost ships without humanoids, creatures that have become stronger through memetic transmission, and stories about the fall of the Apostles. "

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