"I know that you are supported by many races, and that the council already has a lot of grievances against you, and if things happen today, you will be very dangerous yourself, right? "

"I don't care about that, weak humanoids are weak humanoids, I'm just using them out of my position as a strong person, and all communication methods here have been blocked by me, so if you want to try recording or all kinds of methods that can't do me any harm and will anger me even more, you don't have to try. "The strong self-confidence in her own bloodline makes this current empress have an extraordinary arrogance, or she is arrogant to a level.

This self-confidence does not affect her life in any way, and is therefore always overlooked, and even though the council has hyped up her arrogant attitude towards Emily, no one thinks it is a problem, which is seen as characteristic of the royal family. A magical woman, so much so that her actions represent to a certain extent the behavior and symbolism of the royal family, but they ignore that most of the royal family members were once very kind, and as a hard-line establishment, Emily's proposals over the years have tended to stand from a very conservative point of view, in order to maintain the upper echelons of the royal family.

These are all things she didn't think she had to do, because in her concept, strength can represent everything, and the inheritance of bloodline can give her the ability to fully enjoy privileges.

Excerpt from "On the Connection between Social Class and Lineage in the Thunder Apostle Field, and Specific Observations on the Noble Class".

- Regarding the position of the aristocratic class in society, the differences and rivalries between the two aristocratic classes, namely the royal family and the parliament.


royal family is considered to be the only aristocratic class in the entire Thunder Star Domain, but in fact, there is a more profound aristocratic class hidden behind the royal family, and they are more secretive than the royal family relying on their own blood or the strength of their bloodline.

Let's talk about the royal family first, the royal family has a lot of actual power in the entire Thunder Star Domain with the strength brought by their bloodline, and it is not like the royal family of the mechanical species that does not have much actual power in this regard. In matters large and small, the royal family and parliament have the power to deliberate together, that is, they can carry out the so-called veto.

Although the use of this right often requires the consent of two-thirds of the population, given that the number of members of the royal family in practice has always remained in a stable number, it also determines that the rights of members of the royal family are more than those enjoyed by parliament in decision-making, and the exercise of such rights is valid under the existing legal framework from the age of majority to the death of the royal family.

This has led to a very strange phenomenon, competition in the royal family is not carried out in a political way, the leaders of each generation are based on the inheritance of blood, whether their own strength is strong to screen, this is a very worthy of discussion, determine the success of their future political career is actually their own strength.


reasons for this phenomenon are worth studying, and I think that such a special situation should be the result of a combination of factors.

Such an act is obviously irrational, and the strength or weakness of force is obviously not related to the so-called political success, unless it is used in a less peaceful way, but in this part of the political entities have shown great restraint, and magic or assassination is always regarded as the final solution. Instead of being put on the table in the first place.

Therefore, such irrational behavior may be due to the racial characteristics of the royal family, including the possibility that it was developed in the conflict between the native race here and the races in the royal family 600 years ago. For the royal family, the superiority of competitive force and the purity of blood is an alternative belief, which is a kind of auxiliary belief derived from the belief in power itself.

Due to the absence of the right of the Thunder Star Domain's church or the Thunder Apostle who actually has the ability to speak rightly, the worship of power no longer relies on belief in some external force, but a belief in the acquired ability that it can have, and such auxiliary beliefs are often based on self-confidence, and at the same time show an extreme arrogance to the outside.

Although there are many speculations that cannot be actually proved because the relevant information of the royal family is top-secret, at that time, through a certain degree of research, I found in the materials of different museums that although the power of the royal family was strong at that time, the number of people was scarce, and there were relatively few old people and children, so I think it was because the original blood of the royal family caused them to leave their homeland and come here due to some force majeure factors, and finally climbed to the position of nobility step by step by taking advantage of the chaotic situation at that time.

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