No matter what the history is for Green, as a traditional humanoid who loves the star field, he really has no appetite for local characteristics, at least not until he has to, but still wants to satisfy his stomach.

The manager has no opinion, maybe he has expected such a guest request, so he didn't say anything, and just started stir-frying, in the current era, there are almost few people with good cooking skills, and after experiencing the large-scale war in the past, the popularization of nutrients has led to the mass production of food, and the content of mass production has made the cooking of food a very luxurious thing, of course, for Green, he can indeed eat it when he is on vacation, and there are some places like here that do not abandon cooking food.

"I've heard that a lot of explorers have come lately and there are a lot of curious things to explore in the area. "

"I don't know, it is said that our space station used to be a small satellite, and through the localization of the satellite, it has become what it is now, and at the beginning we were responsible for mining rare minerals. "

"I don't know, what type of rare mineral?"

"Gold, Mithril, rare earths. The boss said something else. "Most of the rumors are different in the minerals, but how can the minerals from the same place be different, we all think that this is just a legend, and this satellite is 50% covered by our habitat, which is a high percentage, if there are minerals, we would have made a fortune a long time ago. "

"It's a reasonable guess that the government is secretly mining or something, but it's 50 percent, so why hasn't the rest been developed?"

"Because no one will live, this is originally a small space station, but it is nominally a conquest of the star field, but the local humanoids are basically in a state of self-control, after all, there are too many humanoids like you, and the transit review of the conquest of the star field was not strict, and then it was simply ignored. "

"I've finally found you kid. Suddenly there was a panting sound outside, and Merry yawned lazily after hearing the sound, and then turned her head to the inside of the restaurant. "You sold my ticket to other species, didn't you, they told me you gave away my ticket. "

"Mark, you can still come here, but didn't the organization tell you, your mission destination is not here, you are just transferring from me, the place you are going to is still far away from me, and the time is about the same, there is just a flight tomorrow." "

"I just want to talk about this, my destination has changed again, the commission I'm going to deal with is related to the things here, some information about the local legends, we'll go back when you're done eating, and then I'm going to Maicon-Alpha Star. "

"That's a good place, young man, for it's full of rich people, and if you can get a commission there, you'll get a lot of good if you don't succeed. The store manager, who heard their conversation, suddenly added. "But some of the clients are not very good-tempered, and some of our mercenaries here are here to find treasure, and when they find nothing, they are often scolded by the clients. "

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