However, it seems that there are still humanoids who can notice, and not all humanoids will be affected by this kind of magic, presumably spiritual magic. Green only realized this problem as he spoke, and Grand was unaffected, I don't know if it was because of the distance factor, or if his mental resistance was very high.

"Sister Carrie is like that, she is very talented, let's talk about it later, I'll send my husband to the place to eat first, and then I'll go to the priest, he's going to teach us something new today, and if you haven't heard anything from you after eating, come to the church and find us. With that, Carlil pulled out a small, flat paper crane from his pocket. "If I go to you, he will move, and if you want to come to the church, you can draw a circle on it with your pen. "

"It's a wonderful way, I'll find a way to inform you when the time comes, it's really a smart way. Green took the crane and put it in the breast pocket of the clothes he was wearing, but the leather pocket seemed to be a little too shallow, but it didn't get in the way, and Green put the crane's head out of the pocket.

Carlil didn't care much about where Green put the crane, and after giving it to him, he walked straight to the counter where Grand was, and fiddled inside to find something to come out. "It's my personal apology for the behavior of the eldest sister.,We don't have an official map here.,The actual maker of the space station has passed away.,And we're in the three-way zone.,There have been a lot of different buildings in the past two years.,This is what Aunt Prie will update every month.。 "

"Sounds like you've got a lot of building updates here. "

"There will be some different places in the space station every month, specifically related to the idea of the builder at the time, it is said to be inspired by the maze, so every month there will be a lot of people who wake up and find that they are not in the original position, I don't know how to do it, don't ask me, this kind of thing, maybe the priest will know, anyway, you have the map, let's go." "

"Why do you want to send me there now that you have the map? Green was a little puzzled, after all, Carlil seemed to be a sister control completely, and now he would leave his sister to take him to the restaurant.

"Because Mr. Grand mentioned me, I remembered, I still have to go to replace the meal money that the eldest sister owed there before, and the eldest sister has been there on credit for not a day or two, we have always gone to settle the bill once a month, and this time yours will be counted on our heads. "

Sure enough, it's for my sister. Green couldn't help but slander in his heart, this is also a good thing for a guest like him, after all, not being noticed is the most important thing, thinking of this, Green couldn't help but look at Grand again, the other party obviously noticed this, the words on the sign on the side flashed, and finally emptied nothing, and then Grand stopped looking here, but lowered his head to tidy up the room key.

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