"You still have the face to say that I, you have changed a lot, what have you become now, even your name has changed, you don't need to torture yourself like this, you haven't done anything wrong, it's me who really has to be condemned. Okay, don't talk about that, you don't really want to see me every time you see me, it's something bad. "

"At least not this time, it's still very convenient to send someone for you, it's not a bad thing for me, and you know for yourself that we don't have a bleaker picture than this. Ash unconsciously looked at Juji as he said this, apparently thinking that the reason why Ryu was not really still out doing the "extreme challenge" was in front of him.

"Don't look at it because of him, there really hasn't been anything big recently, to be honest, it's not right for us to fight every day before, large-scale wars are a state of affairs that should be avoided, and even the conquest apostles have signed relevant contracts after the third time, you know the validity of the kind of contract, now, at least for a short time, there will be no such state of affairs. "

"You really, know a lot about this kind of thing, and sometimes it really feels like it's a miracle that you're not dead. "

"I have some reasons why I have to live, you know, until then, I'm not going to die, I can't die. There was a very nostalgic expression, but the tone was full of helplessness. "Aren't you living like me now, and your purpose is still going on?".

"What do you say, don't you know everything?" Ash suddenly smiled slyly at the mention of the topic, and the atmosphere in the air finally became a little more relaxed. "And, how long has it been, I think if it weren't for humanoids like us, the others would be dying, so be it, there's no value worth continuing. "

"If you say that, forget it, I'm going to tell you, but it doesn't matter, you're going to stay here for the rest of it. "

"I don't have anywhere to go, it's good here, I think it's going to be better when you come, and I know you're going to make a place go in a good direction. "

After hearing this, there was no unexpected reaction, that is, after Juji heard it, the whole kind of person was a little not very good, even if it was, he didn't say anything, after all, it was a conversation between people, and compared to the short time of contact with him, Ash and Liu had known each other for a much longer time.

“...... Don't you have a clear conscience in your own heart when you say such things?" Hearing Ash say this, he silently complained to himself. "Sometimes I really feel like you have a misunderstanding of my goals, and you don't think about me like that, it's me who did something. "

"Didn't you do a lot, the Thunder Star Domain is not the same, wasn't it the same when we were together before, I think it's enough, no matter what your purpose is, isn't the final result the same?" Ash said normally, but his eyes still didn't come to Liu's body.

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