"What does the angel seed look like?".

"I can't say either, you'll have to ask Mr. Liu, I think he probably knows a lot better than me about this. "

"He, if he doesn't want to say it, I don't have no way of knowing?"

"Mr. Liu, I guess he will have his own considerations, as if I don't know how to tell you about this now. "

"Okay. Judah wasn't much discouraged, he always had a chance anyway, and he wasn't so interested in angels. "I'm still curious, since you've all been so miserable, why do you still stay in the gray star and leave the elven star field?"

"It's hard to say, we still want to stay here forever, the Elven Star Domain is our home, we have lived here for a long time, even if we want to leave, I hope it is not because we want to escape, but because we actively want to go. "

"Stream, what the hell is he going to do, is your leader really not revealing anything?".

"I don't know, but I should do some cooperation, anyway, I don't know for the time being, you can go back by yourself, I sent the map to your terminal, and the location of your home, I'm going to a meeting, if you're bored, you can knock on the other side of the door, I told him, he can continue to play with you. "

"I see, I'd like to go to your library first. "

"No problem, you can just talk to that humanoid, his name is Ash, it's a code name, he doesn't have a name, or he doesn't want to tell us, anyway, we don't have a shortage of secret humanoids here, it's just a name, as long as you don't ask him what his name is. "

"Can a name be a sensitive place too?".

"I don't know, but a lot of times there are things that have a special meaning for Ash, and that's probably the name. "

Red looked at the time for a moment, then spoke with a hint of urgency. "I really have to go, you go back alone, I'll talk to you about your school when the time comes. "

"I see, don't worry. "

Juji looked at the map on his terminal and decided to go straight to the library. Even though Ash sounds like a magical name, Juji decides not to see him yet, he is more interested in the library, and in fact he has always been interested in knowledge.

However, things obviously don't always go so well, buildings like the library are quite distinctive in the city, it can be said that there are few places where the shape is not the same as the square in the city, and the upper level of the library of the city on this gray star still cannot be separated from the rectangular geometry, but several huge columns are used underneath to form a full open space.

And there are some humanoids sitting scattered on the chairs below, and it seems that such a large-scale humanoid gathering scene is not very common for Judah Er.

He was about to walk in when he was slapped on the back. "Mr. Judji. Such a voice came from behind.

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