"You're really a simple idea, I'm so ...... in your eyes Isn't it unbearable?" even gritted his teeth when Judji said the last few words.

"No, it's just a very simple assumption, because I've seen this before, and even I've experienced this kind of life for a while," Juji suddenly looked at Ryu when he heard this, and Ryu also happened to look at him, and when he was stared at by these inky pupils, Juji was always flustered.

"You have to know Judah that I have more room for error than you, and I have more addictive capital. "I was very escapist for a while, it was a very painful time, I doubted myself, I condemned myself, I didn't care about everything that happened around me, I remembered a person's past. "

Juji had never heard Stream tell his previous story, he had always thought that Stream was like a history book in the Federation, and he could be calm and objective to a certain extent, and Stream was always like this when facing business, as if he was born, and it was rare to hear that his past moments were actually on such a planet.

He also looked forward to the day when Ryu told these stories when they would finally part ways and he would die. Unexpectedly, this day came much earlier than he thought, and he couldn't help but listen more carefully, for fear that he would miss something, but thinking about it this way, sharing stories like this on the Wild Star is quite in line with the flow.

"The truth is, when I reacted, a full hundred years have passed, do you think about it from the new era or only two thousand years, I will not die after that, but after tossing for a long time, I finally found a ruthless man to finally pull myself out of the abyss, it is really a very difficult time. "

"So what's going on?" Judah was a little curious.

"War. Stream only said two words and then stopped talking, and he usually talked a lot and didn't want to talk a little awkwardly, so he said, "You haven't reached the level of unlocking this story yet, so let's cultivate favorability, maybe I can tell you when I'm drunk that day." "

"Speaking of which, I haven't drunk the wine Rochester gave me before. Stream suddenly stood up and wanted to go back to the ship to get a drink, only to realize that the ship was no longer around, and then complained that he was really old, and returned to the house pretending that nothing had happened.

In view of the good and honest performance just now, Juji decided not to complain about him anymore.

"What do you want to do in the future, little friend?" Judah Classmate encountered a magical vacation moment, and he was about to stay with this person until he was moldy, and he finally waited for an opportunity, of course, he had to pull in the relationship, and he was a humanoid of the same age.

The stream has no opinion on this, and continues to take out the terminal of his own star network and start writing, it should be about the elves.

A fifteen-year-old boy still has his own expectations for his future, but at this time, Judah is actually only fourteen years old, but the word child

It is true that the food of the mining stars is uniformly supplied by their direct companies, except for some military mining stars, most of which are contracted by some companies except for the direct mining led by the state, and there are also magic stones that belong to the federation that are self-supplied, which are used to limit the surplus of energy in the federal center.

And because they all choose the nearby mining planet, it is natural that the planet where Juji and Liu landed together is under the jurisdiction of the Federation, and the treatment is already good, but there is still no good enough treatment to feed the healthy growth of a child.

"My dreams, in fact, I don't have any dreams, what I want to do most is to wait until the end of the contract to move out with my parents, go there casually, anyway, I can't do this kind of work here anymore. "I don't know if the boy's voice is due to long-term wind and sand erosion or happens to be in the period of voice change, in short, it is a relatively hoarse voice.

"Really, then you can start thinking about it now, I used to live a miserable life, but don't you think it's good now?".

"Really?" the boy looked at the clothes on Yuji, "I want to make a dressmaker in the future, my mom always likes to patch my clothes." He hesitated a little and asked weakly, "You don't think this is very unmanly, do you?"

"I think it's very good, if you really become a tailor in the future, you must remember to make me a set of clothes, and I will support you a little here today." As he spoke, he took out his own information network terminal, and then remembered that there was no network here, and said a little embarrassedly, "What do you use to pay wages here?"

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