Strange to say, the place where Stream took me was also known to be the largest black market in the wandering area of the entire area, which seemed to be a predestined thing, and I had a strange sense of fate, as if Stream seemed to be a good fit to appear in such a dark and disorderly place.

"What are you going to do, are you going to make a deal?" I asked, feeling that I was actually a bit troublesome, but Stream answered my question very calmly, "I'm going to make a deal with the opposition parties here, and I have what they want, which is the Thunder Apostle's own racial secret." He suddenly looked at me with some playfulness, "Do you want to know, Yu Er Xiaoxiao~, this is just a piece of news that can make you not have to worry about food and clothing in your life." "

This person was unexpectedly a little bad, "Then what are you going to want?"

"You still care about this, I don't really want anything," I was a little surprised by this, after all, he seemed to be a very good person at turning his strengths into what he wanted, in short, a mysterious egoist or something, "I want Donnie to start a revolution, oh, she's the current leader of the revolutionaries." He laughed self-deprecatingly, "I say it's a revolutionary, but it doesn't seem to be very different from the mafia, by the way, if she calls you, when she calls you, the honorific title is Donny, not Don." If she says the wrong thing, she won't mind herself, but she will be easily killed by her subordinates."

"Could it be a woman, I always thought that it would be a man who could control so many bosses and such strong thugs in the entire wandering area. It's not that I'm discriminating, but really with the degree to which they value their faces, what kind of woman can conquer these people? "I complained like this, and I realized that the stream had stopped the ship.

"Give your serial number. "This kind of voice coming from the ship's horn is a very mafia deterrence," 14796 "Stream replied, and said to me with a smile, "You'll know when you see it later, but seriously, you don't think this deterrent is unexpected," he paused, and what he was doing on the ship, "It's like a child's declaration, very childish." "

"It's naïve, you're not the same and don't dare to say it directly in front of them. "I accidentally said what was in my heart.

Liu glanced at me with a subtle expression, "We've only known each other for a long time, you've become familiar quite quickly, people like you shouldn't be such miserable people here, how can this be?"

"But I still like you like this, after all, we may have to work together for a long time, you still have to get used to it" He continued to drive forward until there were two humanoid bodyguards of a race I had never seen standing in front of me who looked like they didn't look like they had a pair of spiral hollow horns on their heads, and there seemed to be different passages here, but there seemed to be only one entrance, but I could also see that in this domed hall, our ships seemed to be the most dilapidated and unexpectedly out of place.

"Why can't I stay in the car and wait for you. "By the time I came to my senses, I had been dragged off that somewhat untimely ship, which made me feel a little insecure all of a sudden, after all, the old content is the main thing in my life, there are few new things, and the second-hand is already good," because you are important, and you have an important role to play here. "

As he spoke, he found a hidden compartment from the hull of the ship, pried it open with a wrench and took out a suitcase, which I peeked in, and there were all sorts of contents that I don't know what they were, including some cards, some things that looked like contracts or something that I didn't know about the lingua franca printed on them.

"This is not something that a child like you should see, when you grow up, I will take you to take a good look, and you may be able to use it in the future. He said as he closed the compartment again.

"Are you really not worried that they'll steal what's inside?"

This is her hometown, and if someone were to do it to her guests right under her nose, you can imagine what a delightful picture it was. His tone was nonchalant and betrayed a skillful confidence, underwhelming in every sense of the word.

"You're going to do me a little favor next, my dear little Ju. His tone always had the feeling that he was going to buy me. "I've got to ask you, to be my weakness. He gently touched my ear with his hand, slicing it over and looking directly at me. If you don't take into account what he said, it's really heartwarming.

"What kind of nonsense is this, talking about people. "Although I already know what he wants me to do from the action, I'm still a little unhappy, but now that I'm here, I'm ready to be used.

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