But it is the negligence of this point that makes me have such an extra harvest or a wonderful opportunity in a sense, and I am more capable of killing him, after all, many times we are always pushed by the variables of life to the other side that we have never been able to imagine.

For the flow many times, accidents are often difficult to control, there is no last resort, how many humanoids in this world can say that they have no last resort, he has almost never seen such humans, and even how many people can control their lives, too little, for him, things are the same, he is not excellent, he is just very patient.

Red noticed the sense of ambivalence, the stagnation in this human race, this subtle stagnation, like a machine that was not in order, but was constantly making annoying noises.

"Your mouth is really disgusting. Red said, and then looked out the window, where a planet was beginning to take shape. "I've rarely seen a human species like you that I so disgusted, a rarity of all the humanoids I've ever known. Then he looked out the window, and the rudiments of a planet were emerging. Gray covered almost most of the planet, only a few were uncovered, and the place was clearly more familiar to Red than it had been.

"Maybe it's because you've seen fewer humanoids, but as far as this world is concerned, I still can't score six out of 10 out of 10 for my personal annoyance. "

At the same time, Stream noticed Red's gaze, and he looked out as well. "Is this where we're going?" he asked, but his tone was extremely affirmative, after all, he had driven a spaceship himself, and he still had a certain level of knowledge of the preparations and processes before some of the spacecraft were about to land.

Of course, this is also due to his best friend, a certain master craftsman, who just doesn't know where he is now.

"If I say yes, why do you want to blow up this planet?".

"I don't mean that, I just think it's strange that we're almost at the end of the line and haven't been intercepted yet. "

"You'd better stop crow's mouth, haven't our so-called tourist itineraries actually given you that feeling?".

"What does it feel?" Apparently the human species didn't have any realization, or he had known about it for a long time but had chosen to ignore it.

"Every word you say, there is a possibility that it will ...... in the end" The piercing red alert suddenly appeared, and Juji was not surprised by this, but added in a shrill voice. "There is a high probability that it will become a reality. "

"Red, Kyle, it's not a big deal, it's about the same size as our spaceship on the other side, and we're almost in the airspace of our home planet. "The voice on the radio was that humanoid voice that was all bandaged. "You just need to keep an eye on those two humans, we're going to get rid of them as fast as we can, and if we can, let the inner human race unlock the voiceprint code of their ship. "

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