In short, for a variety of reasons, the priest felt that he should give this young man a chance.

"The humanoids in the town think I'm in a magical type of professional university, but Father, I don't like what I'm doing at all, I don't have any magical talent, I feel like a piece of meat, my daily job is to move myself from bed to the classroom, and then to a place called the cafeteria and stuff the other rotten meat into another piece of meat, I feel like I'm bleeding from top to bottom with every step I take, and every day I go back to my dorm room to wipe the blood off my flesh and wash my skin so that others can't see it。 "

The priest was silent for a long time. For some of the graces who do not understand the apostles, such grace becomes a curse, and when it becomes a curse, we should help them. He said.

"Dear child, you should not have come to me, the grace of the apostles cannot bless you, your path is not with mine, we all know that although it is true that your town may not be able to accept your betrayal, perhaps Corinate will accept you, and the spiritual treatment of the Second Hospital of Corinate is what you need most. "

"Are you making fun of me?".

"I'm not going to make fun of any humanoid who comes to church for help. Father Cassander's expression did not change. "It's just that your symptoms are very similar to those of an ungifted humanoid trying to learn some difficult general magic, the symptoms of schizophrenia caused by the drain of mental energy, hallucinations, extremism, and fatigue, what you need is a proper treatment and plenty of rest. "

The man didn't seem to expect such a quick and firm analysis from the priest opposite, he hesitated for a moment, then expressed his gratitude, turned around and left the church without a trace of nostalgia, for Father Cassander perhaps the first guest of the day was indeed a little wonderful.

Just as the young humanoid pushed open the door and walked out, one of the humanoids walked in along the door that had been pushed open, or rather, scurryed in.

The priest did not notice that he had reverted to the reverence for the symbol of the conquering apostles. The symbol of the conquest of the apostles in this church is a solid circle in the middle and a ring on the periphery.

Doctrinally this means the submission of the periphery to the middle, and on the capital of the conquered star field, there is also a square with a similar structure, which is dedicated to making some speeches to mobilize the entire star field, but only those who are recognized by the apostles can ascend to that square, because as long as they ascend it, then whatever he says on it will be known in the practical sense by all the humanoids who conquer the star field.

The method of transmitting this information is currently unknown, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the last humanoid capable of doing such a thing was a priest.

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