Lenny looked calm as if nothing had happened, he just looked at Kent with those lemon yellow eyes, and then turned to lead the way, and the atmosphere of peace and comfort lingered between them, as if they had a secret tacit understanding.

"We seemed to be walking all the time. Kent said as he looked at the humanoid in front of him. "It's like I've been watching you right behind you. "

"Because you don't know what to do, do you?" replied Lanny, along with a remark. "Are you tired of it, in fact, you can also walk in front, and the scenery in front is not bad, at least you don't have to look at the back of my head all the time?".

"Well, I'm just wondering, if we're done shopping at Olgley one day, where can we go next?".

There was a chuckle from the front. "Your ideals are quite great, and you don't have anything to ask me?"

"You mean about the tree?".

"Kent, didn't you listen to me before?" Lenny's tone was not angry at all, but helpless.

"Listen, but what does this have to do with that tree, shouldn't I think about it too often?".

"I said it was just an open space, and whatever you saw there was just a projection. "

"Is there a projection about what?".

"Depending on how you define it, it can be a god, a demon, or nothing, just a living, different life. When he heard this, Kent instead thought of the sea in his dream.

"What you're saying at once is so profound, Lanny. "

Lenny's smile seemed to be even more pronounced. "Without Kent, you wouldn't have done a good job, or you would have had your own knowledge of these words in religious class. "

"What do you know?".

"The gods and the demons are two sides of the same coin, and they exist at the same time, and they are present in your class. A gust of wind blew, slightly salty, signaling the prominent presence of the destination, but Kent didn't notice that his attention was on the religion that Lenny was talking about.

"How do you know what my class is about. "

"When I went to see you off that day, your grandmother welcomed me in, and she asked me what I wanted to express my gratitude, and I asked her if she could look at your usual textbooks, which I had never attended. "

"My grandma must have asked you why. Kent's sentence was declarative, and it was clear that his relationship with his grandmother had given him a good understanding of her personality.

"Yes, she asked me why I didn't go to school. Lenny paused, uncovered the last broad leaf that lay in front of them, and a field unfolded before them. "Here we are, the sea. "

The ocean was no stranger to Kent, after all, he had been here many times, but for a long time he had come alone as a human.

"Do you like fishing?" Lenny suddenly asked, the sea in front of him was not pure blue, on the contrary, it was black, it was a deeper color, it seemed to be because of the serious industrialization around him, but for Kent, he had only seen this sea in reality, and he had no concept of those in the textbooks, those from the teacher's ppt.

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