The second classmate of You, who was originally going to eat human blood steamed buns, couldn't help but be a little glad that he hadn't done it before, and the idea of wanting to see the stream in his heart deepened. "So the power of the Thunder Star Domain is. Before Jude could finish speaking, Emily had already interrupted him.

"Of course, it's my own ability plus a little bit of bloodline, but our inheritance is all burning, so to be honest, we generally try to use the most basic magic, that is, some can be learned through ordinary universities, speaking of which Rochester shouldn't have taught you magic, right


"No, he's basically to me," Judah thought for a moment how it would be more appropriate, "free-range?".

"He doesn't know how to take care of the children, and it's probably just a whim for you, but your identity has been officially endorsed by us, so you can rest assured that I have wanted to see you for a long time. "

This was the second time she had said such a thing, and Judah didn't know how much Emily wanted to see him. Was it really just because he had an adoptive mother like Louville, whom he had never met, or for some other reason, he tried to find the reason in Emily's voice and body movements, but in the end he found nothing, so he had to give up.

He has always been unable to read the minds of humanoids, not even his own, and it can be said that he treats everyone equally to the extreme. The humanoid mind of the royal family sounds like something that is difficult to guess. Juji couldn't help but think that it would be nice if Stream was here, of course, he would never tell Stream with such careful thoughts.

"I can tell you about our history first, to be honest, the royal family has come to this day entirely on our own, I don't know how much you know about basic cosmic history, it's not very important, because although cosmic history is related to most races, but our race is different, the royal family has only been here for about 600 years, and in the days before that, we have been on the run. "

"Escape?" Judah didn't quite understand the meaning of the word, for him the word "escape" was used to describe someone weaker than himself, but no matter how you understood it, the strength of the royal family was not weak, and the strength of the political collective, which ranked second in the entire universe, was self-evident, let alone if it was really according to Emily's words.

"If you

think about it, who are you hunted down and killed in just 600 years, don't you think this kind of history is a little ridiculous?".

"Ridiculous? That's because you don't know, you don't understand," Emily's self-deprecating tone made Juji hesitate about his own judgment, was it wrong? If you knew something, you would never say such a thing, but I don't blame you, in fact, the influence of a political group is definitely not as simple as you think, just because we are those humanoids who were forced up, this area has been under the jurisdiction of the Thunder Star Domain for a long time, and our bloodline has nothing to do with it in essence, and the reason why we can become royalty is also because of our ancestors. Emily paused, and the abrupt pause caused Judah to start thinking again, and Emily apparently saw this.

"I'm not thinking about what to do next, I just think there's something strange about it, because according to all the oral and testamentary accounts, our ancestors were saved by God. "

Juji showed an expression that you are not lying, Emily was annoyed and angry, I don't know if it was a delusion, as she moved a little ashamedly, Emily's hair seemed to light slightly, of course, even this did not shake Juji's firm determination.

"God, will you really make a move?" asked Juji, but in fact, with a rhetorical tone, "You clearly understand, the so-called gods have always had a contemptuous attitude towards humanoids, and your ancestors may have gone crazy from the beginning. "

"It doesn't matter, all in all, we did survive through various methods, and made a contract with the Thunder Apostle to let us be protected here, in fact, in all respects, our ancestors attached great importance to the protection of the Thunder Apostle, thinking that it was the will of the gods and so on. "

"But you don't really believe it, do you?" added Judji, "why?"

"Because I think that when I personally look at those documents, even if they pay attention to objective historical facts, the records in the history books can clearly feel the subjective fear of those who pursue us. "

"Why?" said today's story, which finally came to Judah's interest, "Is it because they were of high status, and it wasn't the angelic race that was in power at that time?

Emily rolled her eyes, "Of course not a fool, there are many mistakes in your words, it seems that you want to make up for the cosmology, but not now, the angel race has always been the most powerful race, and it is also the main race of the so-called First Star Field, they are extremely xenophobic, extremely god-worshipping, and most importantly, extremely powerful and extremely home-loving, basically they will not go out of the territory, and they belong to a regime that is closed to a certain extent." "

"However, they are not the most terrible, in fact, a strong enemy is not necessarily terrible, but there is an enemy that you must be afraid of. "

Emily sighed, "That's the enemy that doesn't exist. "

The conversation was at an impasse for a while, "The enemy that doesn't exist?".

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