"You can try it for yourself, Olglay or Laplace. "

"I've never seen anything like this before?" Werner asked heartily as he turned to the dark red unidentified object inside the aluminum lunch box.

"Or maybe it's a southern specialty, get used to it, the places where you used to live were northern, and this is a product unique to our south, and we even have this dish at the dinner party when we pray. "

"So what's in here?".

"Okra, shrimp, and some of the fish that we caught from the shop or ourselves. Best's second hobby is fishing, and by the way, the first hobby is mints that I don't know where I got them, and Verne has really heard of these two things, after all, not every female humanoid has such a unique hobby.

The new era is that there will be a lot of humanoids who look different, or Olglai just doesn't care what humanoids are like. "You're really passionate about sea fishing. Verne couldn't help but say this. "I really don't know much about the living habits of the South, after all, in my influence, many times the South is summed up as a black box. "

"I know, after all, it's not a day or two of chaos in the south, and the wider river towards the middle part of Dibit, the more strange it is to you, isn't it?" Best did not shy away from talking about such topics, the extreme nature of Dibit's ecosystem is reflected in the extreme water vapor the closer to the south, resulting in this perennial river near the boiling point in the middle of the planet, or the ocean?

However, this is not the case for some special groups. For example, the research ships of the New Era New Human Company, they have the most special composition in almost the whole universe, each ship is carefully built, and never mass-produced, not because of rarity, but because of uniqueness, each of which is a customized model produced by Rainer Technology after a detailed investigation of the planet.

For example, now, the Digbit is on its way back, and they are transiting through Olgley, and since they are always fully loaded, they do need some local humanoids to help, and often a quarter of the hired humanoids will be "loaches". As long as the person in charge has no opinion, the scientific research personnel below them naturally have no opinion.

To be honest, there are not many people who dare to show it, after all, the racial diversity in the Star Field of Life and Order has been in full swing in the past two years, and it is not uncommon for disadvantaged groups to turn into a privileged class to make them unhappy.

Only this time, it does seem that there are some irreversible contradictions. Alger frowned, then dialed the police station.

Soon the police station got the news. "Alger, the reporting man, reported a violent incident in the port, and there seems to have been some conflict between the 'loaches' and the porters who went with them. "

Best and Verne looked at each other. "I see, let the humanoids present try to persuade themselves to be safe, and we'll be there in fifteen minutes. "

Verne soon discovered that one of Best's habits was more deadly, but he found it harmless, after all, there were many more things that were deadly in Olgley than drag racing.

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