Stars are always eternally high in the sky, Kent feels like he is stepping on a marshmallow, the metaphor is fascinating, but the actual feeling is not so sweet, on the contrary, Kent feels like he is going to drown in such a place.

"You know, there's a lot of stuff to eat in the swamp, but very few humanoids come in. "

He had a rod in his hand, or a long metal stick, and Kent had seen something like that, and of course he would have seen such a thing, and it was a snake trap, and Kent would not have used this simple stick for a long time, for obvious reasons, and there was no need.

"Do you know why, Kent?" asked the humanoid who walked in front of him and kept on the road, and even in this case, he was still wearing a pair of rubber shoes that clearly did not match his size, and he trampled on the ground, or rather, the sound on the mud was unexpectedly bright, as if to indicate the mood of the sender.

"I don't know, but Lanny, did we go too far. The soft yellow gaze stared at Kent, his eyes revealing dissatisfaction and stubbornness, and of course the stampede of the pop tower also stopped. Kent couldn't say no to such a look. "Well, why?" he said, helplessly. "You can talk as you go until you're done, and then we'll go back. "

Lenny didn't answer, he continued to talk to himself, like a child who has been given candy, Kent naturally knows what is sweet for Lenny. "Because those things are delicious, like this one. Kent heard his voice, and saw Lenny raise the stick in his hand, and on it was a snake about the thickness of the stick, and its body was turquoise, and it was a little conspicuous in such a place, and it might have been better concealed during the day, but it was already dusk. "It's non-toxic and Kent, you've probably eaten roast snake meat. "

"Well, sometimes it is burned in the factory, and it is even more delicious than I imagined To be honest, the meat quality is very good, but the chef who makes our big pot rice is not very good, and the cooking time is too long every time, and I can't bite some meat. An honest answer, but for Lenny it was clearly not enough.

"There are some things in your factory, I heard that you still have to complete something called education. "

"Education of employees' children. Kent quickly recalled such a term. "It means that we still have to keep learning until we learn what their requirements are, and I don't know what the requirements are for this year. "

"Well, you're in trouble. "

"What about you, Lenny?".

"What, what's wrong with me?".

"You haven't been to school, I've never seen your parents take care of you, I haven't even seen you in the city, we're a very small city, it's only an hour's drive from start to finish, six hours you're in the town at home, I'm sure if you drive here for six hours, you'll be one of the most knowledgeable people here." "

"Even so. Lenny didn't say anything after a long foreshadowing, just continued to lead the way in silence, the snake just now was just a small episode, and after being let go, he writhed twice and quickly found a tree on the side, trying to accept the reality that he had moved.

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