"It's not dangerous to listen to me. Stream didn't say anything to death.

"Then I'd like to see it. "Juji has no resistance to the beautiful scenery, and at the same time, it is undeniable that a lot of things he has seen and heard on the capital star of the Thunder Star Domain really make him resistant to the capital star, and he is also very similar to seeing how big the mushroom can grow. "After all, so many people say it's good-looking, I don't think there should be any danger. "

"I don't know how your body will react there, but if you insist, we can go there and give it a try, and I can teach you some more basic theories of magic on the way there. "

"I've learned a few things before when I was in the Thunder Star Domain. "

"Nope. Stream hesitated, then continued. "I'm going to say something different from those, and that's just a story about the Elven Star Field. "

"The Elven Star Field is a very ancient star field, it is said that there were elves even before the concept of the star field appeared, and there are many subdivisions among them, but without exception, their tolerance to magic, or comprehension, or comprehension and the like are not very good. "

Of course, such theories are limited to what we call universal magic. "The stream is very skillful little by little trying to explain similar concepts. "The classification of magic, I think your teacher in the Thunder Star Domain has taught you before, generally speaking, there are only two types of magic currently recognized by the academic community, one is based on innate bloodline, or now we generally call it genes. "

(PS The worldview of magic in this article is not the same as the general, it is based on the theory of reality, magic is considered to be a phenomenology, that is, the character will have a B event when he makes a behavior, although the cause and effect is not determined by physics, chemistry, etc., nor does it involve specific analysis, it should not be said that there is no way to analyze, just like physics, it can only be developed through a large number of experiments and some speculations, once the principle is implemented, it cannot be explained by cause and effect, it can only be said that such a thing will happen, for example, the force of an object will change the state of motion, it cannot be explained, but such a thing is found through phenomena.) Therefore, the same magic is regarded as the rules that determine the operation of the world, and the status of physics is roughly the same, so it can be studied with the science applicable in reality, so magic is not a black box in this world, not everyone subconsciously does not study it, just uses it, but has a specific theoretical development. )

"It has been confirmed that the gene for the perception and use of magic is fixed in all humanoids, and the effective fragment length of this gene has been shown to be positively correlated with humanoids' use of magic, and is the only positively correlated condition. (PS My creature is really bad, if it's wrong, please ignore it, the presentation here is just to set up the flow of people more stable, and to give Judah a clue, otherwise I'm worried that he will be killed in a tourist city, and it turns out that in the end, ...... Forget it, I still won't spoil it. )

"In other words, just test this clip to find out if this humanoid is suitable for studying magic?"

"Theoretically, this is the case, and this kind of fragmentary genetic analysis is actually very convenient, any scientific laboratory in the first-level star field must be able to do it, as for other laboratories, it depends on their wealth. "

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