Mel walked out of her office, her expression was a little strange, as if she had just seen something terrifying, as a scientist with her own independent office, she does have her own certain scientific research ability, but after all, she and Pol are still different, she is not so obsessed with living things, and she will have her own fear of the unknown.

"Officer Vernay, is this case serious?".

"What's wrong, Ms. Mel?" Verne stood up, he was a little taller than Mel, but now he looked much taller than Mel. Only then did Verne realize that Mel was shaking. "There are two missing people in this case, which can be regarded as a relatively serious case. "

Not at all, Verne knew in his own heart that even a newcomer like him would know that there was no shortage of missing people, homeless people by the overpass, desperate poachers in the swamps, and even humanoids who were forced to leave their huts after the weather changed.

When the swamp eats people, it never picks and chooses, it embraces all.

This time, it's not a big deal, it's just because of their religious beliefs, it's just because they are all active devout believers for the past two years, Verne actually knows it himself, but he still hasn't said such a thing, he doesn't know if Mel understands Olgley's political ecology, of course, whether he understands it or not, he shouldn't put it on the table.

So Verne only pointed out a bit serious, and he didn't say any further reasons.

Ms. Mel tried to calm down as much as she could when she heard this. "If it's serious, I think this report will make the situation even more serious. "She's never been the kind of woman who runs away when something happens, and this time the main battlefield isn't with her.

"You brought four samples, and I tested four, so it took a lot of time, and in short, the four samples you brought were all from the same kind of people, and you said that. Mel gave a succinct account of the situation.

"Yes, we suspect that these samples come from the same part that regrew at a different time. "

"That's not the point, the point is, I found two different kinds of cells in these samples, and there are only these two kinds of cells, but theoretically it shouldn't be like this, the composition of the humanoid body has a very complex structure, and although the organs of the two cells exist, they should definitely not constitute a functional organ like the legs. "

"So you mean?" Vernay's creatures weren't good, and he wasn't even interested in them. He was desperate for a conclusion.

"No, that's not the end, I've just looked at the structure of two types of cells, and I found that one of them is a dedifferentiated stem cell, and the other is a native cell. (PS My biology is not very good, I am a pure liberal arts student, if there is anything wrong in this area, please don't get too entangled.) Mel spoke quickly. "I haven't done a magic guide, but there are really not many magic that can make cells actively dedifferentiate, and basically the energy required is huge, if this is the characteristic of this cell itself, then this kind of person is a new species. "

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