Kent is also very clear about this, although it is true that he has not returned for a long time, but unexpectedly, in Kent's influence, some things have changed, but more important things have never changed, Olglay has not changed much, whether it is a sultry noon, or a perennial never stop to complain, and the poor coastline that has never stagnated is like a real coastline, eroding people's lives.

This was nothing to be happy about for old Neil, who lived alone, and he didn't even have a minimum health insurance, so much so that when he checked his background medical records, he barely visited the hospital since a severe cold after the age of forty-five.

Neil's house was clinging to the ground, like a dead giant, with only the last gasps left.

Old Neil's home was simple and hardly unusual, at least as an old man who lived alone, his home didn't have any of the traits that an older person might have.

Such as a large number of medicines, such as old newspapers, such as hoarding a large number of things of unknown meaning.

But on the other hand, this means that they know almost nothing about Old Neil.

But thankfully, old Neil is an old man who is willing to read, and as a humanoid, he does have a slightly more number of paper books at home than ordinary humanoids, and Kent has such information in his anthropomorphic common sense, because most of Dibit's humanoids don't like to read very much, and even if they do, they would rather use the Internet as a medium than those paper materials.

In such a place, the only thing left in the tradition of paper is the newspaper, the work of the government, and of course, the official documents such as labor contracts, all of which are all online and paper-based, and have the same effect.

"What kind of books are on the shelves? Kent asked. "I don't read much, Mr. Bell, do you have a clue?".

Bell grabbed a copy and began to read it.

"The Stories of the Buddha", by the Buddha Mandre - This is a very ordinary collection of stories, consisting of a total of three stories. Bell didn't look closely, and planned to take a closer look when he returned to the police station.

Clinical Anatomy, by Alice, Edward, Bell, Ernie, Merlin, Maihee, Mandos, ...... - Bell didn't read any further, he knew very well what was written in the book, it was almost a question to think about, he just didn't know why the book was here.

Kent noticed the title of the book. "Hey, there's one of the authors of the Sheriff's book with the same name as you, maybe your brother. "

"I don't know, but I don't think I need to read the book. Bell closed the first page of Clinical Anatomy and put the book back in its place.

"Wisdom in Life" – subtitled "Every Humanoid Has a Time When Someone Needs Some Ideas from Another Human" Authors' Cell Group – The table of contents is neatly and scattered with a variety of headings.

1. Negotiation

1.1 How to make a good impression on other people

1.1.1 How to smile

1.1.2 How to make small talk

...... Bell didn't have that much to spare, and he quickly flipped through the table of contents until the last one.

9. Face difficulties

9.1 Pressure Treatment

9.1.1 Methods of venting Find a place that matches your mood


This is not what Bell is looking for, both materially and in terms of the current situation.

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