
woman in front of her, dressed in a regular dress, her fiery red hair highlighted the difference between herself and the other attendants, and there were no unusual lines on her face, Judah had seen too many humanoids with lines on their skin recently, which always gave him a wonderful premonition that the royal family here had a certain connection with Luciou or the local gangsters.

Lady Donnie didn't have abducted other people's men home, Judas irreverently guessed the absurdity, and replied, "I haven't seen my mother, but my adoptive father, Rochester, is the one who has always raised me." He paused and looked at the woman's hair opposite, "But he's navy blue, and he doesn't seem to have the same hair color as you." "

"This is mainly because Ina is not married to someone of her own race like us, although in the end she has no children, which is also expected, and our blood is already thin. The woman named Ina Anne sighed, "Our children are supposed to have royal blood, because we also have a certain inheritance, and if the inherited power cannot adapt to the body, then there will be no children, we have tried to change this, and even asked the apostles for this, but the result is that." "

She looked at Judah fixedly, and for a moment both of them were speechless.


a while, she spoke again, "I don't know much about Rochester to be honest, in fact I and your mother, please let me call her your mother, okay?"

Judah has always been indifferent to family affection, but since the royal family and nobles on the other side have said so, he naturally acquiesces to this, "Luville, she and I are very good sisters, we can sacrifice for each other, but only on this one matter, we have a disagreement, and we never met again because of this matter, until I later heard the news of her death." "

"It's always very difficult to accept the death of a loved one, so when I heard that there was still you, I originally wanted to take you back, but Luvier probably wouldn't want you back, for her, maybe the status of the royal family is more like a shackle. Emily looked out the window, and the light shone softly from the stellar sparkle that simulated the magic array outside, reflecting Emily's dark red pupils.

"But I came at last. Judah said.

"Because Rochester is dead, but we are not going to bind you, to be honest, you have already understood the underlying laws of survival that belong here, you should have been the most likely, and the most likely to ascend to the position of king, the position of king in this country, second only to the apostles, as a theocratic state, although there are indeed competing political groups, but our position is still and will be unshakable in the future. "


"Because we're strong. The weak-looking humanoid said this, but it made Juji feel a chill, the feeling of being targeted by a wild beast, "We have the dignity and blood of the royal family, this sentence is not empty words, almost every royal family has to be subjected to an almost lethal amount of poison, training, and fighting with wild beasts when they are young. She elaborated these words expressionlessly for a moment, as if she was sitting in front of her, "You don't seem to be frightened by the way I look, just surprised." "

"Yes," replied truthfully. "It seems that this is already the common denominator of the strong, and you are already the second such humanoid race I have ever seen. "

"Donnie? "And what do you think of the human who killed Rochester?" we still don't know what he did to get Ian's old immortal to do it. "

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