"Wright, researcher and investigator of the Black Domain Layer of the Wisdom Star Domain, I am the general leader of this project, and we have a total of four teams of researchers in the Thunder Star Domain, the Order Star Domain, the Conquest Star Field, and the places around the Wisdom Star Field. The speaker recounted the facts without any expression, and it was difficult for Convection to achieve such a level of cooperation, and he couldn't help but glance up at Wright.

"And they have all successfully reached an agreement with the local humanoids, only we here, the Thunder Star Domain, cannot be studied alone. He nudged his glasses, which were not there.

"That's why I'm tired of traveling, Mr. Liu, I'm not a long-distance teleporter, and I'm tired from researching that I can't advance. "

"Even so, Mr. Wright, isn't it too much for you to take the thousands of miners on our three planets? Missy's tone was obviously not very good, she had been here and the gentleman for a long time.

"Mr. Wright still looks young, doesn't he? There's no need for Missy to be so him. "The flow is playing a round, but the words that come out are not very good.

"Thank you for the compliment, even though I am really young, I can be the person in charge of this. "

"Did you take over the project on your own initiative?".

"No, it's just a coincidence, my former partner, my partner in college, asked me to take over the project for some reason. "

"As you said, with the other three regions developing so well, why are you so aggressively pushing here?".

"We urgently need to synchronize our progress, otherwise it's hard to see the difference. "


"According to our research, the humanoids around the long-term black domain layer will be affected in some way, and the specific range is being estimated, and since the range of different regions may also be different, through the range of influence, we can roughly estimate the thickness of the black domain layer in different areas. "

"As far as I know, the Black Domain Layer is only a hypothesis so far. Missy interjected suddenly. "There are still a lot of unsolved puzzles in the world we live in, maybe there is nothing outside the world, nothing worth exploring, and the black realm layer is just a natural phenomenon, a means of protection, why are you so sure that it is a layer?".

"Because my friend has been in the church, ma'am. Wright said suddenly. "If you have been trying to persuade me to give up my research in the Thunder Star Domain, my answer is that it is impossible, and I will not give up my research no matter what the justification of your reasons may be. "


"Because of my friend," Wright was about to continue, when he suddenly calmed down. "Anyway, that's my attitude. "

"What if, then, a little more broadly?" Stream thought about making another suggestion. "If the three planets you selected, I have just seen it, are selected through the way of depth, and the shortest distance from the black domain layer, then if the total number of humanoids on different planets at the same level is the same, but there are more planets, is it possible to exclude the influence of regional factors more extensively, and at the same time, it can also make the military compromise without affecting the original working environment of the local area. "

"If that's the case. Wright soon began to think about the feasibility of the experiment. "If I had to choose these planets, I wouldn't have a problem. "

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