The timbre of the voice made Juji hesitate, because it was too similar, in fact, when he was in the Thunder Star Domain, Juji only learned about some related things about robots, one of which is very important is that machines must not be too similar to humanoids.

"Hello, who are you?" replied naturally, as Juji remained silent because he had never seen such a robot, or such high-end technology. Maybe the machines in the Federation are extraordinary, and such an idea naturally popped up. He still chose to remain silent, this is the method he uses to hide his ignorance, and it is also an important point he learned in the Thunder Star Domain, to reduce his sense of existence, so that he will not be targeted all the time.

But apparently there are doubts about whether this method is effective or not, "I'm the humanoid who is in charge of receiving you, you can call me Reiner, Mr. Juji, can I call you that?"

"I, oh yes, Mr. Reiner?" he said, with some uncertainty, "is Miss Missy still busy?"

"While she does want to see you now, she's dealing with some not-so-glamorous internal matters. "Reiner's body seems to have no skin to modify the exoskeleton in the shape of a human, so it mimics the general appearance of the human race.

"Of course it's legal. As a supplement, this is really a bit of a cover-up, "It's just that there are some things that are not suitable for you to participate in, after all, they are the internal affairs of our Thunder Star Domain." "

"It's completely understandable, but why is such a matter handled by the Thunder Star Domain's ambassador to the Federation, is it that the inhabitants of other Star Domains are involved?" Liu interjected, "But before Mr. Reiner describes this, can you tell us about the main purpose of our visit?"

"Ah, oh, okay, I've heard from Miss Missy, we're going to go to the visa office to go through the relevant formalities, and we have to move to the visa issuing office in the Thunder Star Domain, please come with me. Reiner said as he began to move, the principles of biomimetics did make his body very similar to human, and from Judaw's observation of the flow almost everywhere compared to Reiner, it was almost indistinguishable.

"By the way, I have only one question for the so-called inconvenient matter for us to get involved, Mr. Reiner, how long will we have to wait," Stream seemed to realize that there was something inappropriate in his words, "not a rush, just to know if I can see her after we are done, I still have some old thoughts to talk to her." "

"Miss Missy will come to us after we're done, Thunder Star Domain's federal reception room and visa issuing office are in the middle of the same ring level. Reiner led them to an elevator-looking room and clicked on the terminal.

Juji's mind was not clear for a moment, and then he felt violently dizzy.

With the ground above his head and dangling under his feet, he walked on a pile of cotton, his eyes becoming disordered, his sense of distance becoming disordered, and the fluid in the vestibule rippling.

He couldn't hold it anymore.

"Gross. After that, Juji fell to the ground and began to retch.

Flow, unexpectedly, didn't move much after seeing such a scene, as if it had been expected for a long time.

Reiner had obviously not seen anything like this before, and he hesitated for a moment, and under the gaze of the stream, he took out a handkerchief from his pocket, or rather the mechanical compartment.

"I'm sorry, I've heard that some humanoids have some allergies to such short teleportations, but I didn't expect you to be so serious. "

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