"I've already sent the liquid to be examined before, and it can be transferred directly to the evidence room as evidence, and I will dispose of it myself when I see the test results. Olgley's control over the evidence in the case is quite lax, but that doesn't stop Best from having his own code of conduct.

"I know, I'm an elderly person who is about to retire after all, so I'll leave these things to you, and I have to go home to take care of my grandchildren. Mike said this, straightening up his somewhat emaciated body in front of the refrigerator, for an elderly person squatting for a long time is not good for physical and mental health.

"Your grandson?" Mike hadn't revealed the reason for his early retirement, which should have been something to be happy about, but since he didn't say much, Best didn't ask.

"Originally, my child's wife was weak, I didn't really approve of them having children, who knows what they thought about it now it's good, one was buried last week, and the other hasn't come out of the ICU yet. Mike said calmly, without any sad feelings, "It's just that poor child, as soon as he comes out, he will fall victim to such a choice." "

Best found that Mike seemed to be very open-minded at this point, and as a member of the police department here, he could see some things more or less, which was one of the reasons why Olgley's humanoids would not choose to be part of the police.

No humanoid would admit that he had seen the truth about Olg's life in that situation, all humanoids just thought it was rotten, but it wasn't to that extent, but Best knew that it was always a luxury for humanoids to stay sane, and this was what she saw from a certain book, where all humanoids in Olglai were supporting their lives.

But they have to dig up those collapsed lives over and over again until they reach the end.

It's really not a good job.

"I said I needed to bring an incubator and ice, so I'll go get those things. Bester turned and left the room, the stench of the kitchen was nothing unaccustoming to her, but rather that she had seen something more rotten before, just rotten shells.

Those stumps need to be sealed in time, and obviously she can't do so many things as a human, so she has another purpose for going out.

"Almost, there's nothing left to continue, we can just send it all back to the office, preferably one for the lab. "Olgley's laboratory and office are not too far apart, but due to some municipal problems, it is clear that the construction of the laboratory is not very complete, and only preliminary conclusions can be drawn.

"I see, I'll try to collect those things. "Verne has adjusted his mood, at least for now, there will be no problems. "Best, who the hell are we going to look into, or what are we going to look into?".

"I don't know, Verne, you're an excellent graduate here, my main business is just a clerical job, and the reason why I'm here is just to record and ensure the accuracy of the follow-up report. "There are a lot of strange cases, and most of them are difficult to start, so we need more leads." "

More clues had to start with the physical evidence at the scene, and Verne heard what Best meant, so he stood up and tried to face it again.

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