He understood that the taste, even if it was a thousand times and would never forget it again, was like the smell of the wind blowing through the valley, and she in a white dress looked back at him and smiled. Such a memory suddenly split himself from his body, it turned out that he once had a wife and children?

The white skirt will not answer his question, it is just a memory. The meal was already cooked, and when the familiar smell hit again, Rost felt as if something was wrapped behind him, it was not a very strong thing, on the contrary, she was too soft, too kind.

Suddenly the wind and snow began to pound on the windows, the temperature began to drop, the smell began to migrate, and the touch behind it gradually lost. The contours of his body began to be sketched by himself again, and Rost returned to his own reality, which he always had to face, but his doubts would not be reduced by this, was his past really like this?

(Forced takeover by the Keeper of the Secret).

Rost didn't remember, the only memory he had was this, just this time, just this time, just this time, he suddenly looked at his own face and confirmed his appearance.

He rushed to the window, which was closed and showed his face very honestly.

Slightly scribbled hair, overly thick beard, slightly molted lips due to cold, characteristic prominent cheekbones, high nose bridge, and somewhat pointed eyebrows. By the way, and the eyes, the light blue eyes like babies, which were empty.

(End of Forced Takeover).

It wasn't really a matter of what to see, and it was clear that it wasn't the point for Rost right now, but for some reason, it seemed that Rost had made up some of his mind, which made him even more courageous in the face of things.

(Gain the special effect "Family Warmth", which has a fixed value of -1 for each sanity drop; unknown effect to be triggered).

Rost returned to the situation he was facing, those cruet bottles were the most basic languages that Rost could understand with simple common sense, and it was a very universal language, and Rost already knew these languages in his head, so he could easily find the salt he needed.

It was a common glass bottle, and the products of silica used to be very disliked among humanoids because they could not withstand strong beatings, and it was only later that they really made these bottles useful in the kitchen by adding elements in various proportions.

This was a story that Rost had known for a long time, but Rost couldn't remember when. Just as he had wondered why he had come to this snowy room outside, he had no choice but to put these things on hold for the time being, and there was no other way to deal with them.

So after finding a bottle of salt, he estimated that this bottle of salt was enough for himself to eat for a long time, but if he had to marinate meat, it seemed that there was no way to do such a thing, and this salt could barely marinate a piece of meat that was a little smaller in his palm, and if he really wanted to marinate all the meat on this wall, it was obviously not enough.

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