Of course, as one of the few clerks in the town who can handle all kinds of documents, Best's status is surprisingly high, plus she is a relative of the director, but as a human, she doesn't care much about this at all, she just came, just because she has no fixed place, just because she needs a way back, so he came here, and unlike some overly grandiose and profound reasons, this is just some inconsequential things.

She could see that most of the people who came to this police station had different pasts, and it was a fantasy to work part-time to maintain law and order in such a place, and the locals rarely tried to eventually become police officers, after all, when you were taking care of yourself, you wouldn't be interested in getting involved in other people's homes.


withering of personnel may also be part of the reason why every time Olgley applies for funds, there is only some slight oil and water on it, and the reason why Best knows this is also because in fact even the financial expenses of the police department are partial, no, in fact, all the bills, whether they are open or private, her relatives who don't know how much are far away trust themselves very much.

However, recalling Corleone's appearance, Best had to admit that maybe he didn't think that much in his heart. To use some extreme metaphors, he has nothing left in his head except roast chicken.

Of course, this could not be ruled out as a prejudice or misunderstanding, and Best had never known about this sheriff who was in his middle age and inevitably sliding into old age, and she knew nothing about the man's past, so she knew nothing about why he drowned himself in the aroma of fat roasting.

Time changes a lot, doesn't it, of course, including the war, although it is not involved in the war on the surface, but it is said that there have been some drastic changes in the realm of life and order during the war that should not have been had, so that this influence cannot be underestimated in their previous generation, naturally, this is only said, and there are not many places where Best has been, she has only heard of such things on the planet Olgley, or Digbit.

It was when he had traveled to a larger city with the director when he was younger, and it was the man who took himself into the Planetary Museum while holding a roast chicken.

Another old man who was already on the verge of death received her distinguished guest, there were few people in the museum, no kind of people would come to visit such a place, of course, this must also be the reason why the director at that time took her there on weekdays, the old man told the splendor of this drowning planet in a very high tone, and Best was not touched in his heart at that time.

It's the same now, history, such a thing is worthless to humanoids living on this planet.

But on the other hand, is just trying to live a value that can only be tolerated here?

Best couldn't understand it, so she decided to join, so she put herself in her shoes, and at the same time involuntarily stayed.

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