Going deeper, there were some more cluttered colors on the edges, metallic reflections were hidden in the messy grass, and it was clear that the arrival of modernization had also affected Olgley, "And don't drive this anymore, Kent, this thing on our side is a heavier piece of moving metal, for your blessing." "

“...... Are you serious, Detective Bell. Instead of pronouncing the title of the position that was too lengthy and unclear, and whose responsibilities were vague, Kent simply did not mention it and chose to change it to the same level, "What about our side of the report then?"

"Who do you think we can report here?"

"Huh, Director?".

"Do you think the Director cares? He couldn't find anything in his brain except protein. "

Kent didn't say much, to be honest, he needed to care about far more than these proteins now, he was about to become a protein lunch now, Bell also noticed, "Don't worry, the children of nature are very professional", he opened the buckle of his belt that should have been filled with anti-wolf spray, took out a thing that was the same as anti-wolf spray, and then sprayed directly up and down Kent, "They can't get used to the pretentious taste of modern industry." "

"Really? I still don't think it's okay, it's okay before. Kent stepped on a mass of black thread, unidentified object, but the touch gave the answer, it was a fishing net, and there was the weed in it.

"Don't worry, it's just the beginning, you've only been back for a few days, and you still need to go deeper. "

Kent didn't say anything more, just continued to follow Bell without a word, "That's it, do you see those wooden shacks?"

Kent saw a part of the swamp, and it was impossible to imagine that there was a human-like habitable place in it, and some of the "loaches" on the road felt a little oppressive after seeing them, perhaps not out of their original intention, in short, after paying attention all the way, Bell continued to walk inside without any scruples.

"There's got to be a reason for a close-knit organization, and at the moment, you seem to think it's because of their physical connection, and I'm curious what you'll think when you see that later. "

"Where are we going now, to see what you call that magical thing?".

"We're going to the house of the chief, or just the organizer, who came here to do all the same thing, the identity registration. "

"It's very powerful, but why can't it be considered a leader?".

"Because in their culture, the leader has another unknown entity, but until now they haven't really seen this spiritual leader, to put it bluntly, those people who actually have to do things every time don't understand the horror of this tribe, they are proud of their normal people, they think they can be more superior, they think that life can become vented, but unfortunately even those 'loaches' can live better than them. "

"So there's a conflict?" Kent probably knew some of the reasons for this, he had experienced something similar himself, and his face became a little unpleasant, "I've seen this kind of thing before, but at least it's okay here, there are no large-scale conflicts." "

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