"Oh, it's because at that time the stream was actually still attached to the church, but since this incident, the credibility of the church has been damaged, although not in the way that the stream expected at the beginning, but in the end it was weakened and the role of the royal family and parliament was enhanced, and it was at that time that there was a certain gap between the church and the royal family. "

"After all, for the royal family, they send their own people over, in fact, they are humanoids as checks and balances, and as a result, your church will have some opinions on turning this kind of people into this kind of people under such circumstances, and at that time, they actually have a certain amount of their own capital, so the royal family will obviously slack off in this matter, and I expected it before at this point. "

"There is actually a certain amount of truth in your consideration, which can be understood from a political point of view, but in fact, the most important thing in my consideration is Howard's popularity, if he himself is not good, the royal family will also do business, I didn't give you anything about what Howard is doing, and why it is so difficult to kill, in fact, you can see that his popularity is actually very good in the army, and it is also the same in the royal family. "

"And this kind of reasoning, I haven't thought about it before, this kind of side is too detailed, to be honest, I thought he would be the kind of iron-faced and selfless type?".

"It's like this on the battlefield, but it's not in private, otherwise he wouldn't be eroded, it's because he was too guilty in his heart and was exploited. "

"And I wanted to ask before, what is Donnie's attitude towards convection?"

"Actually, it's a very complicated attitude, love and hate, etc., it's a bit like finally finding your own spiritual pillar, but then you find out that you're actually just a chess piece, so naturally there will be a sense of gap. "

"So you became the type who attaches great importance to your bloodline?"

"Actually, don't look at Donnie like this, she is an extreme conservative, in fact, there was no way for such a group to carry forward, Donnie's previous group also came out of the Dark Star Domain, so there will be a dedication to the family in the natural bloodline, as for why it is because of the unique structure and system of the Dark Star Field, for the darkness, his management is very rough, and it is also because the times have changed, so he decided to make a change. "

"So your mods are so logical?".

"What, realistic logic is very important, you have to know that any work depends on the operation of realistic logic, I can at least be regarded as a person who lives in reality, so it's understandable, but in fact, I can tell you not to expect the background color of all places to be the same, different star fields may not even have the same level of civilization based on different factors. "

"So the main plot is still segmented?".

"Actually, it's not that the main plot is over.,What you see now is just an effort for the next result.,And the aftershocks of the previous result.,Well, the main line is actually a story between the apostles.,It's actually hard to notice this.,After all, they're still very careful about concealment.,If you really want to take the main line, it's not okay.,You can go and run two regiments at the same time.,So you can know the main line.。 "

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