"Institutional change, the combination of matter and consciousness, progress is 35%. "

"It's really cool, let's change the subject, how are you doing, at least you look much better than before," Liu looked at the area where the storm was surging before, "Sure enough, I know that gifts come at a price, and since you gave me some authority, you have to make some temptations around this matter." "

"It's no accident that the curious apostles have offered you some convenience around the matter, but in the end their failure may indeed have given them a hint of who is standing behind you. "

"No wonder Howard is so easy to kill, it's because there was actually too much authority in his body at that time, and the mutation caused by it, the pain of being eroded. "

"At that time, in addition to the dominant dark forces, there was also one who was extremely insidious, and I think you should know something about it. The voice said this, and in the dream found the picture of the previous stream finally finding Howard, and the stream didn't pay attention at the time, but now look at it like this.

"This kind of corrosion doesn't look like darkness or thunder, I thought it was the authority of thunder, but it looks completely different. "

The gods have no intention of selling Guanzi, "It's depletion, but at the same time it's a gentle depletion, this is the authority that belongs to the conquering apostles, I think your mask will be taken off soon, it hasn't been taken seriously before, but now it's finally going to be on the front stage, you have to be more careful." "

The voice withdrew from the dream, and with it the strange waves.


dream quickly shattered, and it was He who took the initiative to cut off the way to maintain the dream, which was not unusual for the stream, but a little strange for the other on the other side.

"There is no response," a soft voice came from a distance, followed by a low sigh, his hand still maintained a certain state, this seems to be a simplified version of some kind of ritual magic, when the power reaches a certain level, it is natural for some rules to be properly used and distorted, for the darkness this distortion is achieved through the concealment of the rules.

This kind of timely and corresponding ritual magic only has restrictions on the rules that act on the caster, so the darkness simplifies the whole process, and directly conceals the rules themselves, but this does not affect the corresponding strength of the magic, and the magic used directly by the apostle has no effect at all, no matter who can guess whose handiwork it is, "It's God, that one is really unexpectedly lucky." "

The dark emotion did not last long, because since he had already tested the power standing behind the stream, it was natural that there should be a corresponding backhand, there may be some difficulties around this human race, but the darkness also noticed that there were other life forms on the ship, he closed his eyes lightly, there was an incomparably deep darkness and a little starlight, and some of the stars in the divine domain fell from the space and surrounded him, and after a while, he opened his eyes and silently recited two words, "Jud." "

At the same time, Anita's figure in a dark room suddenly appeared, and then she reverently prostrated in a certain direction, reciting the Bible story of the Dark Apostle, which of course also included her own, but there was no pause in her recitation, as if she was studying the relevant content in a very serious way, even if she had recited these words a thousand times, it was also admired by the ascetic.

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