"Well, there is still a certain problem, I know that Raymond has his own backhand. "Liu" is actually not very discouraged, "It's really difficult to kill a humanoid with a strong bloodline, let's talk about it then, and the rest of the content will be handed over to them." "

In April of the interstellar calendar in 2081, there is a dessert shop in the capital star

Stream placed Juji directly on a stool next to him, and ordered a dessert for Judah Er's classmates, and asked for a strawberry-flavored ice cream, even in such an era, Stream still insisted on his own taste as always, although it was industrial synthesis, but since it tasted like and smelled like, then at least this food was what he wanted.

"So you two can't come because they have something to do?" Stream looked at the two humanoids sitting next to him who were completely different from the scheduled trip, "Are you because?" Stream looked at Mia.

"Emily is busy negotiating with Donnie, and didn't you send her a communication before? Mia's state of mind is already very peaceful, at her age, the previous gaffe in front of Emily is really shocking. And it's such a familiar friend.

"Well, that's really a very good reason, and not taking that into account was some mistake on my part, so she's in the same lab as Donnie now?".

"Theoretically, if you're not sure, you can ask Donnie now, we don't have to lie to you. Mia was very calm, but her speed of speech was still much slower than usual, aging would affect all aspects of a human race, and she did rush over, and the stream had obviously noticed it, so she didn't ask anything more.

So naturally, as the leader of the topic, Liu turned the topic to His Royal Highness the Grand Prince, "So why didn't Wright come, or what is the reason why Wright has to let you come?"

Obviously, at this time, Liu didn't know what had happened in front of the Lei Apostle, he really didn't know how to understand the relationship between the eldest prince and the second prince, and he didn't put these two in his own plan, but their mother used them in the plan, so in fact, Liu was very relieved that he didn't investigate much, and it was also out of respect for his partner.

"My younger brother, there are some changes, in order to achieve his goal, he borrowed the bloodline of the Thunder Apostle in his body, which caused his current state to be very wrong, I don't know what he said to the Thunder Apostle. "His Royal Highness the Great Prince has a particularly obvious mood swing at such a moment, like an older brother who loves his younger brother," but his current physical and mental condition is extremely bad. "

"I see, anyway, since they have all changed to a humanoid representative, then I'll say it bluntly, my plan is not over yet, and the fate plan also has its own follow-up, but this follow-up is actually open-ended, I'm not sure if you still have any need to continue, after all," Liu glanced at the eldest prince," A lot of things have changed, and I don't need to hold a piece of paper to command, you can ask your brother for the specific situation, if he did talk to the Thunder Apostle, he should know. "

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