However, it is true that you can see the details of this part, but the most important thing is the final payment, and when Maggie's eyes drifted to the top for the first time, she thought that she had seen it wrong-the Military Management Department of the Thunder Star Domain and all the military departments respectfully.

Isn't this the department that barely has any sense of existence? Maggie has little understanding of this, as an immigrant in the new era, a lucky member of the post-war opening policy of the Thunder Star Domain, she has successfully found new opportunities in her past family through the phrase "change her destiny through reading", leaving a lifestyle that she does not love.

She knew almost nothing about war, and while the only few Star War heroes in the capital were the few remaining royal families, for Maggie she was more familiar with the leaders of the prestigious councils who were more tangible, and the few times she learned about the royal family was that the place where she worked was funded by the royal family.

And at this time, she saw that the real humanoids from places she had never known, the mechanical auxiliary limbs protected their hands and legs on their bodies, she was not responsible for the development of this part, but she did know that there were researchers in her research institute about military research, and she had also seen the appearance of this part a little, but she had never seen these machines worn on the body of humanoids, regardless of race, regardless of identity, most humanoids could wear military equipment, and those researchers had a headache for a long time for the iteration of this design。

Their steps are steady and cruel, they bring the breath of the wilderness, from the constant exploration of the wild stars, without any words, clean and neat, the face is covered with a uniform mask, this is specifically to ensure that they can have a certain vision in any case, and the elimination of toxic gases on some planets can also be completed through this mask, in order to develop this mask Maggie's former mentor has worked hard, she has also learned some magic seal carving techniques, this mask is only worn on humanoids with some reserves of magical energy, which is also the reason why there are almost no human species in the army。

Neat and neat, the direction in which they are moving is unified, the citizens of the city unconsciously make way for them, no humanoids will come forward to talk, their purpose is so clear, that all humanoids have thought of one thing for a while, and some things will change after today.

Because all humanoids can see that their target is the old and luxurious building in the middle of the city, which is different from the unknown and extremely prominent style and the wave of urbanization, the royal palace, and of course the parliament, as a part of the interstellar civil administration, the council chamber also has its prominent role.

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