So he directly wrapped the whole space, and a pitch-black circular area suddenly appeared above the entire void, and the starry night flowers began to grow rapidly with the naked eye, and then disappeared directly when they came into contact with the black of the petition.

Ryu just watched the scene silently, and then cut the inside of his arm with a knife, and the bloody qi gushed out all of a sudden, and the blood flowed down the gravity, and Ryu didn't have a painful expression, he had indeed done this kind of thing many times, and he wanted to touch the blood-stained palm on the black area.

This matter was a ploy from the beginning, he understood that in fact the darkness would use such ways and methods to erode the authority of the Apostle of Thunder, a declining apostle would attract other apostles at any time, at least this time the other apostles did not act openly, and even the darkness was only a rare roundabout, obviously for the apostles, they were more priority to their own problems, except for the slightly different decisions on currency, of course, this is also his own particularity.

He originally planned to directly recycle part of the authority of the darkness here and then use it to make subsequent arrangements, of course, since Howard is dead, then the authority of the Thunder Apostle obtained as a high priest will naturally return to the hands of the Thunder Apostle, but because the authority of the darkness is directly given, Howard will become an ownerless thing after his death.

Originally, things were indeed going well, but before touching the boundless darkness and not even a glimmer of light, the darkness in the entire area suddenly contracted, and the entire area disappeared as if a pencil drawing had been erased, which made Liu directly realize that his plan had been recognized.

At the same time, a female humanoid appeared, and Liu was a little surprised, but soon this emotion was directly eliminated by him.

"Anita, ascetic, high priest of the dark apostles. The woman bowed her head slightly in respect, and then spoke directly, her limbs were shackled, and she was dressed plainly, only a starry patch on her clothes indicated that she belonged to the dark believers, "The apostle wants to see you." "

Then she grabbed Liu's wrist, and Liu didn't resist, and the figures of the two disappeared into the darkness, which was not the same as the previous erased appearance, and he secretly wondered if it was because he couldn't use the authority of the Dark Apostle, so he had to use a more roundabout way

Stream was unfamiliar with this, and had no intention of snooping into the secrets of the Dark Apostle, which was not something he needed to consider for the time being. When Stream was able to sense the place he was, Anita had already disappeared, and in front of him was a whole sea of flowers, the sea of flowers of the Starry Night Flower was so soft, and it seemed incompatible with the violent domination of the Dark Star Field in the real sense, which was why Stream was extra vigilant.

Of course, this vigilance obviously includes the calculating behavior he just tried to make, as an apostle with the authority of violence, the darkness itself is very low-key, for him violence has a deeper interpretation, this is from the very accidental situation, heard the means of darkness, the orange and the precepts, this pure violence does not even see the light, I have to say that the flow is indeed jealous.

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