"Then we can get to the point, the war is over, what happens next to the things we all know, what are you going to do?" Stream didn't care about such an episode, he understood that when Ray gave up, it would prove that there really would be no follow-up, but to be honest, he was surprised by Ray's actions, he didn't expect that there was indeed such a big gap between them unconsciously, maybe it wasn't familiar enough. He thought like this, after all, they had only known each other for a long time, and before that, he had been doing some research in the wisdom star field, some further blasphemy research, of course, this finally allowed him to have some tangible results, but these things obviously have no way to be mass-produced in real practical applications, after all, not all humanoids have such a strong vitality to extract.

"I don't know, didn't you have a plan for a long time?" Apostle Ray didn't say what he was going to do, "You can do whatever you want, I can provide you with everything you want, I'll discuss this with the archbishop, if you want anything, just talk to him." "

"And what about you, what are you going to do?" asked him inch-inch, "Why do you plan to really retire because of a failure?".

"No, I'm going to meet our old friends, or mortal enemies, it doesn't make a difference, I want to visit the conquest, and the rest is to see if I have time, how long I can go depends on how far your plan can be carried out, and I'm going to meet the currency. "

"It seems that you already have your own ideas, then there is no need for me to continue to talk with you, I will continue to do my plan, and we will all see the day when each other succeeds. Stream left the Divine Domain, and Ray just silently watched the back figure leave, and he felt a little guilty as he put on his nappa leather gloves back and cover the wound he had cut for himself.

It wasn't until His complete departure was confirmed, that His hand caressed the field of wheat under his feet one last time, and then he saw that the land began to become barren, and the ears of wheat began to dissipate, not even wither, and the fragments they had together floated towards the unidentified luminous object in the sky.

"See?" the Thunder Apostle asked, revealing the original appearance of the space, the dark rock, the divine domain is actually based on its own planet, but it is the most important space for the Apostle, and it is also the place where the defense is high.

The sunlight gradually disappeared, and was replaced by a radiant woman with an imaginary connection to the gods, at least from the appearance of a female image, such an image is not unfamiliar to the Thunder Apostle, but in view of everything that happened just now, these things on his body still have some disgust for him, and he naturally has no sense of closeness to this woman.

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