But Will quickly spoke up to stop him from continuing, and when it came to his own relatives, this humanoid showed unreasonable gentleness and firmness, "Even for such a human race, we have our own room to maneuver, and it is undeniable that this one is indeed able to have accurate predictions many times, so I guess he should have known that we have some plans to save Emily." "

"Can that human really know that much?".

Will's voice really showed a resolute attitude on this point, so that the eldest prince, who was already hesitant, obviously decided to take a big gamble in the end.

"So what kind of human is it that deserves such a discussion here?" The humanoid who had been left out of the air finally found an opportunity to interject, in a way, to gather information while both humanoids were thinking.

"Ah, you don't know yet," the eldest prince realized this, "no wonder it was useless to try before, I didn't think you really didn't know anything about it, did you?"

"Theoretically, there is no place for this one, he really doesn't need to know anything. Will added that this was a sort of justification for Judism's ignorance. "We're talking about Stream, and this human is the first human in recorded history to be able to come to a deal with the Thunder Apostle, who, according to the Thunder Apostle himself, has offered a bargaining chip that no apostle can refuse. "

"We've always been curious about this, that's why we've been tempting you, after all, in that human plan you're like an abrupt thing that appears for no reason, and in order to find out your identity, it's clear that we've premeditated and tried to explore your characteristics in various ways, but in the end, to no avail, your identity is unknown. "

"I don't know much about my past, but what are you interested in doing. Judah didn't say anything, it was obvious that yesterday's blood collection came from Will and the eldest prince, the main purpose was to relax his vigilance against the army, even if he woke up, he wouldn't be too uncooperative, but unfortunately because of his influence on Will, it was not good, and his current situation made him as uncomfortable as a frightened bird.

But the final direction is the same, it doesn't matter whether he is reassuring to obey the command or out of caution about the difference in strength, after all, it is his own blood that is taken away in the end.

"The point is here, we haven't found your past. Will is colored.

"What do you mean?" Judah made sure he understood every word of the sentence, but he couldn't understand what the humanoid was really saying.

"You weren't adopted by Rochester, and to be honest you weren't even a being at first, but you miraculously appeared and were so old by Rochester himself, according to himself, during the whole process. Will said something extremely incomprehensible.

This was Jud's last consciousness, he didn't hear Will's last words at all, and his eyes couldn't even focus on Will's lips and tongue.

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