He also reflected on himself such thoughts, whether it was because his heart also hoped so, hoping that someone would be willing to remember him after death, but in view of the embarrassment of the current situation, he could only think that such a life was meaningless. This kind of thinking is naturally fruitless, and there is no way for humanoids to have a complete understanding of their own hearts after all.

He didn't understand the suffering, just as he couldn't understand the calmness of Rochester's eventual end.

Rochester never explained what he had done, and he didn't need to explain it to Judas that their relationship was not as close as he thought, and even if it was more intimate, Rochester would never admit the legitimacy of what he was doing.

He was utterly ashamed of what he had done and what he had done, and he was ashamed that even after such a long time, he was still tormented and miserable for what he had done and done, but at the same time it was a sacrifice that had to be made.

Humanoids do not suffer because of their mistakes, but because they have to make such mistakes even after realizing them.

Eventually, they arrived at the Capital Star, which seemed to be a very tight space, and Judas was not allowed to disembark so he just stayed in the cabin, unable to see what's outside, and didn't know what the cargo was.

He himself had some conjectures about it, such as smuggled goods and the like, but that was the limit of his imagination, and what was contained in it was both glory and sin, a disgusting miracle that no one knew about but would eventually reappear in the world.

"Soon, soon. Rochester looked at the bright sparkle of the ceiling. The suffering of others has achieved something magnificent that should not be reproduced, and the Thunder Star Domain should not use such a method to save itself, nor should it go to its own glory like this.

"It's going to be over, it's going to be over, everything is going to come to an end. Rochester was a little distracted in front of Jud, and he was also in a trance for a moment when he looked at this humanoid Jud, which was not like the Rochester he knew.

"'Destiny' will have its own climax. He muttered, "We ghosts of the old times are gone." "As if bewitched by some nightmare, and as if I had finally escaped from some fear, the torment of my heart seemed to be lessened.

Juji only felt that the old man had finally gone crazy. This was a matter of course, but he couldn't understand how such a strong-looking humanoid could go crazy with just one delivery experience, and Rochester rarely interacted with him after that.

He became more silent than usual, more silent, silently waiting, and Judah felt that he was waiting for something, because despite the silence, Rochester's emotions were more liberating than before, more relaxed, and even a different kind of relief in a sense.

So one day, he really died, and brought with him another caregiver, a human who didn't know how to be described, a human, he did scoff at first, but soon he realized that this human was indeed suitable for him.

Judas is saddened to find that Rochester may indeed have no ill will towards him or even seek anything, but so what, everything is no longer what it used to be.

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