"If you decide to do it, you have to do it thoroughly, don't you?"

As he spoke, he began to fine-tune her face with magic, "It's just a brief change, and it will soon be restored, you still look too young now, you have to tell those people that you have grown up." You have to be sharp, but don't stand out too much. "

"What kind of magic are you using?".

"Ah, this one, learning magic is a systematic job, but you also have a certain foundation. You know, magic in general is made up of three parts: the form, the medium, and the object. The flow of hands swept over the girl's face, which still had some childish face, "My technique here is directly engraved on the fingers, and the medium is the touch between me and you, and the object is your facial muscle cells, of course, the skin, etc., but the main objects are bone cells and muscle cells." "

"To make the magic work, you also need energy, and I use my life energy here, and the most common energy is the Philosopher's Stone, which is generally used to depict the magic technique, because such a simple technique does not use energy to bring in energy from the outside. "

Donnie didn't say anything more, it was her birthday, and at Liu's strong suggestion, his ruthless father finally decided to throw her a big banquet, and at this time it was almost her best chance to climb up.

The banquet was so successful that Stream had once again raised his status and was already a big leader in the organization, but Donnie also received disdain from her father's other sons during the banquet. Saying that there was some contempt for them, they insulted her, including her mother.

For Donnie, this is really the first time that such an insult has been made, in the past, under the protection of her mother and Liu, Donnie has never been exposed to this, she does not feel annoyed and angry, but very fresh.

People who are incompetent, let alone well-educated, and who are arrogant on their own pedigree, will one day make them understand how much they will avoid the so-called bloodline from their father that they are so proud of. Tang, you learn very quickly, and you spend a lot of time with her, teaching her different approaches and the current situation.

At the same time, in her small safe house, which is just as small as before, there is a lot of turnover, and the flow is more and more like to take care of business at home, which is only an excuse, of course. Liu's subordinates have five talents under his full management, and almost every day, they will change to deal with some matters with Liu, and improve the relationship with the local area, even if they are only doing some shady things on a second-tier planet, this does not affect the excellence of their own abilities.

"I had a hard time finding them, you have to take good care of them, they're all yours. "

"My people?".

"Well, they're all people I'm sure will be loyal to you, because I'm a very good person, and I often save people, and these are all people I have the grace to save my life, but if you don't manage it well, they may be stabbed in the back. "

"Needless to say, it's just a fifteen-year-old kid after all," said one of the cute-looking humanoids.

"Don't think of me like a child, think of me as a despicable avenger who is about to rise to power. Donnie interjected, and for a moment the atmosphere in the air became solemn again.

"It seems that there is still a certain level of consciousness, after all, it is the person who likes it. The other said, pushing his glasses.

"So you're giving her a whole team? Besides, Donnie doesn't look like someone who can say that kind of thing. "

"Time is a pig-killing knife, these two people who speak are still working in Black Star, and the remaining three have gone to other places for development, speaking of which, the reason why I still have this soda in the refrigerator now, what is it called?".

Juji was speechless and said, "Isn't it written on the bottle? "

"Oh", Liu suddenly said, "Cargo Soda, it's because one of them went to work for the company, that's why he gave me an unlimited card." "

"Why can't even the people of the revolutionary organization who have to rub off on others and easily enter the second star field can't even afford some drinks?"

"Hey~, but they're free. Stream used a coquettish tone, which gave Yu Er goosebumps, "Seriously, I don't have any money, and, I'm sorry to tell you, we will have breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next week, and your eating habits will be based on the hours stipulated by the federal government, and you will eat several meals within 24 hours." Halfway through the conversation, he suddenly changed his words and asked about his eating habits.

"Uncle Luo does use federal hour timekeeping, but I usually eat when I'm hungry, and I don't look at the time. "

"Then you can eat with me, although there are only energy bars, but I have a complete range of flavors here, and it is a special supply from the Federation. "

"So you still have a relationship with the Federation, and it's really the same as Ms. Tang said, a terrible person. "

"But you're on the thief ship, and it's too late to regret it. "

"Who said that before," Juji said in a cold tone and expressionless face before learning to flow to him, "Then I'll take you to the casino." ""

"Adults like me are usually very good at lying to children. Stream didn't feel embarrassed by his inconsistency, "Actually, I had the intention of taking you into custody from the beginning, but I thought you might not believe it at the time, so I thought about turning you on first." "

"Then why did you kidnap Miss Tang? Obviously, our situation is really similar, isn't it?"

"Ah, why are you still thinking about this, you are obviously different. Stream was a little frustrated, "Listen to me, you'll know when the whole story is finished." "

Donnie is like a sponge, since her birthday party has passed, there are many people who want to start when she first shows her edge, or to solicit, of course, there are also people who want to be a good person, but Liu's attitude is also very tough, given that Liu is now a red man in front of the leader, those who are red-eyed will also go away.

Things quickly came and another half a year passed, the leadership of the Lei Star Domain was changed, and the new policy decided to purge the entire surrounding Star Domain, a small Lou Lou like them, who was usually not taken seriously, was now a good opportunity for the middle level to climb up.

This led to the fact that the entire Black Star suddenly became a piece of fragrant bait that everyone got and punished, and the situation took a turn for the worse so that some people had become stepping stones under the feet of others before they could react, and became a glamorous stroke in the past resume.

For a while, everyone was in danger, and as the leader of the Black Star, although he had a certain amount of anticipation, he was still really overwhelmed, and the bad news kept coming, and he decisively gave up everything he had on this planet, as well as some of the leftovers around him that were gradually trying to develop.

It was at this time that he made what was probably the stupidest decision in his life, he brought a group of brothers he trusted, as the most important person at the moment, and also the diplomatic leader of the person who has most of the information in the Black Star, he will be the most useful person in the Black Star next, so he was taken without hesitation.

Of course, there are also three sons whose father is not successful, but whose ability is okay.

Stream brought six people with him, and in the background, he and Donnie had a conversation.

"I'm leaving, I've received certain news, I'm going to the Federation, and there may be a long time when there will be no way to meet, so I'm going to find a way to get out. "

"You also understand that I won't be here forever, and now that you have the ability to protect yourself, in a situation like this, you can seize the opportunity to directly establish yourself in the Black Star, right?"

Better revenge, occupy the brainchild of the father.

"Of course, you can also choose to go with me, and you also know what you will do next in Blackstar, you can meet, without me or you, your father will be very difficult next. "

The opportunity to be free, never to look back.

Donnie thought about it a lot, she thought back to her former mother, when she was younger, always gentle and moving, tactful voice, remembered the way her mother looked in the mirror when she tied her hair for herself, and remembered that when her mother was sacrificing, she did it to the person opposite for the first time.

She always thought that she was numb, she was used to seeing this, and she would never be moved by it again. The bloody scene, she never knew that bloodshed was such a heart-wrenching thing.

She was wrong.

She always thought that she had seen through her mother's weakness and incompetence, she was used to seeing this kind of person before, and she only thought that everyone was the same.

She was wrong.

She always thought that as long as she was useful enough, her father would be able to see her, and she always believed that her father would always accept useful people, and would not care about blood.

She was wrong.

She always seems to make mistakes in important choices, but this time, even if she knows that it is wrong, knowing that she will regret not leaving with that man in the future, she will watch her father die step by step.

She hated, she hated her father for not taking it seriously.

She hated, she hated that the stream was not tough enough to take her away.

She hated that she would eventually be imprisoned, in this place where she would belong.

So she stood up, packed her luggage, and carefully put the evening dress that had been sent to her into it.

She didn't take most of the things about her mother, only the only photo she and her mother had taken at the door of that once safe house with the help of Stream.

She tied her hair and stood up.

This time, she will never be free again.

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