So his purpose is not mainly to listen to the news, to convey the unique information of his own royal family, it is obvious that he hopes to convey these news through some way, through Judah Er, this is his ultimate goal, after a period of time, in fact, there is not much edification, especially these days have been constantly learning the so-called political art, for him now this is like a certain kind of political temptation assessment, he saw through the second prince's plan at a glance.

But even so, I have to admit that if he really has the means to contact the stream, he will indeed send these words to the stream at any cost, because these are indeed important. "I hope that clever man would have known all this old news. Judah thought to himself.

What Wright may not have imagined is that the reason why Yuji didn't make any contact was simply because it was too late, and the connection between Yuji's classmates and Stream had just been broken not long ago, and such a scene was as if Stream deliberately didn't want to know what Yuji would do next, Yuji fully understood his own weakness in this complicated dating relationship, so even if he was not happy, he could only accept this result.

To be honest in these two days, Judah has not had the opportunity to get his own time to observe the outside world, of course, this refers to the use of some technological means, such as terminals and other electronic products are completely untouchable. Judah also understands this kind of means, but I don't know if Miss Mia has come back, yes, he hasn't met the eldest prince yet, so he doesn't know the value behind those things.


the situation in front of Juji, this is not so attractive to him, and he has learned a little about the origin and current status of the different structures in the Thunder Star Domain throughout the teaching process, and he also knows how much his appearance actually contributes to the current sensitive situation.

On the surface, the whole situation seems to be in a state of stalemate, but in reality this stalemate seems to be a dynamic equilibrium that could be broken at any time. But Judah always felt that without something such a complicated situation, it would not be possible to be undisturbed for the next two hundred years, especially when Emily was pregnant with two children, which was the most turbulent time in the entire Thunder Star Domain in recent years.

Outside, Donnie as a new party is constantly trying to enter the top-level design circle of the central government, and the royal family is also facing the situation that its own general leader is pregnant, and this situation has not only lasted for a year or two, the pregnancy period of the royal family is different from those of the general humanoids, the pregnancy period of the royal family is based on the number of their own pregnancies, generally speaking, a child plus one year, this is still the education carried out by the physiology teacher of Judah, two years of foundation, one plus one year, generally speaking, this kind of fertility is very unreasonable。

"Generally speaking, the development of the child should be synchronized in the mother's body, but it seems that for the royal family such a general theory does not hold, in some painstaking research to observe our strengths, we finally discovered the secret of the whole royal process, that is, the two different fetuses of the royal family will have different development sacs, and differentiate into two areas in the womb, so that the two fetuses can achieve the development and birth of each other without interfering with each other. "

For Judah Er, such a theory can only be regarded as cold knowledge, but he is more curious about who this so-called director is.

"Does that sound like a very powerful human?" asked Juji pretending to be nonchalant. The kind lady understood what he meant in an instant, and gave her own opinion.

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