This is a world where gods exist.

The gods don't want his people to live too well, because then they don't need them.

Happiness always needs to be complemented by suffering.

God said, "There are only three things that people in this world need to know about me and one thing about themselves." "

So the people of the world know the three laws.

God is not killed by His own creation.

God doesn't lie.

God created everything in the world.

At the same time, people also know one thing about themselves

"I live in an unfair world, but I have a chance to change it all. "

Every 12 years, God holds a "feast" of 100 people at a time, and every 60 years a "feast" is held, and those who win the feast are given the opportunity to make a request to God, and in most cases, those wishes are fulfilled.

Although it sounds good, but in the actual sense, the so-called banquet is just for the viewers, for the participants it is just a place to raise Gu, the feast is similar to the divine feast, it is the first stage of the divine feast, the people selected in the feast will be frozen, no one knows where they are going, knowing that the divine feast is open, they will join in as young as they did at the beginning. The feast is open to everyone, and there will only be 100 people left in the first stage, 25 in the second stage, and only one person left in the end.

After the second stage, it is not for the civilians to know, and no one knows how many more stages there are.

God's angels will oversee the later phases. There were 12 angels of God, called apostles, and each feast was dominated by three.

But it doesn't matter, an ordinary person doesn't need to think about it so much.

Yes, for a 12-year-old boy who is surviving in an ordinary wandering area under the rule of the Thunder Apostle, how can there be any so-called change except for trying to survive, in fact, even the courage to live has been squeezed out of all kinds of strange places.

It's hard to imagine that in such a world like play, the so-called science and technology have been so developed, of course, it is not excluded that someone can walk directly in the universe, after all, God is not a man who is good at physics, this seems to be a consensus, compared to science and engineering, God seems to be more good at liberal arts.

He is very strong, but he is not a god who understands the reasons for his strength. So no one knows whether the three laws are true or false, and like all the laws of nature in the world, we can only speculate and try to verify them, and we can't clearly know what the gods created them really were.

At least, I'm skeptical, but as far as I know, these theories seem to have been instilled from the beginning in all rational human races, whether subspecies, androids, humans, or fantasy species, even if collectively called humanoids.

But in some places it is very subtle, such as some strange symmetry, there are angels and demons, there are artificial people and there are supernatural people, how to say that a hundred flowers are put down, it seems that only the human race is the only most ordinary but there is no symmetry, even the apostles are symmetrical, just like a huge joke between the random gods and the human race.

Ordinary people generally don't think about this kind of problem.,The humanoids who will go to this kind of event are either crazy.,Or those who have a deep desire to be satisfied.,Or people who are raised by others to realize their own desires.,Such unbearable content,This event will have a month-long live broadcast every 12 years.,All the miserable conditions of those containers that carry desires are directly exposed in front of everyone.,Most people are happy about it.,A small number of people turn a blind eye.。

And I pity them, and I pity me who can still have compassion for them, of course, this does not affect me to eat human blood steamed buns on them, the reason why such a grand event can become a grand event, naturally because it has an unimaginable influence on everyone, that's right, that is, gambling, this may be the time when ordinary people can be closest to the apostles, and there will be a 12-year-old casino on the capital star of each star field, which is guarded by 9 apostles respectively, and rotates to supervise betting.

This is not to say that there are only 9 star fields, but the most famous and powerful is that there are nine.

"It's been 12 years, and I've been living in this hellish place for so long. "The daily life of looking for things in the garbage heap in the wandering area, saying that it is a garbage heap, in fact, there are some scrap yards, and there is no profit, but the good thing is that there is no cost, and no one supervises, because the profit is meager, so basically no one can rob me.

As a poor child, there are few humanoids who can't bear to rob me of anything but scum. Unfortunately, the most important thing in the wandering area is scum, so at first I had to run away almost every day, and then they also knew that they couldn't catch up, so they had no choice but to go with me.

"That's all for today, it's time to go to Uncle Luo. "Uncle Luo is the only one here who is responsible for sending people back and forth, originally the live broadcast star network here was about to stop, Uncle Luo found some way to get a private live broadcast, and watched it with me for a while every day, telling me some outside things, the fixed area of this planet is being dumped every day, so I can't approach it when they pour it, so I nest here Uncle Luo.

However, although it seems to be very unreasonable and poor here, there are all kinds of extralegal fanatics in secret, some people are forced to helpless, and they can't afford to pay the taxes of the original planet, at some point he really hates why there are only two languages in this world, why only human language is the lingua franca of the two languages, he really doesn't want to listen to those miserable people share their stupid stories anymore, what is the use of this except to increase his own troubles?

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