Su Bai was wearing a mechanical armor and holding a long sword, like an arrow from the string, rushing into the Zerg army.

Although Chi Lansu didn't speak, she was not dissatisfied with the speed at all. She rushed in immediately and raised her hand with an ice spell, which instantly froze all the Zerg in a radius of dozens of meters.

In order to save magic power, Chi Lansu did not use all her strength.

Otherwise, these Zerg can be completely"frozen to death" in one stroke.

But now he is just freezing these Zerg.

The purpose is also very simple, that is to create opportunities for Su Bai.

Su Bai was also unambiguous. The Xuanxiao Sky-Slashing Sword and the weapons that came with the armor had killed all the Zerg in just a few breaths.

However, one second the Zerg were killed, and the next second they surged up again.

The snowman behind is not a vegetarian either. The overwhelming ice magic is tilting down.

The numbers on the mission statistician kept changing, but in just ten minutes, the entire Tianyuan army had killed between 2,000 and more than 10,000 Zerg.

Based on the calculation of 500, we have already received hundreds of millions in bonuses.

Su Bai has been paying attention to the information on the communicator.

Soon, Su Bai saw the news that a"sharp knife team" was to be formed.

Su Bai immediately said to Chi Lansu:"Daughter-in-law, prepare to press forward.""

"Ten minutes later, we pushed the battle line forward as much as possible, and then attacked from the Zerg flanks into their middle. Chi

Lansu was shocked:"There are so many Zerg, and there are more than one million of us. How can we suppress them?" Su Bai was full of confidence:"

There is nothing we can do now. It will be done in ten minutes.""

Su Bai did not take the initiative to go to the Sharp Knife Group because he knew that going there alone would not have much effect.

Instead, attacking from the side would achieve greater results.

Chi Lansu didn't know what was going on yet, but still chose to believe unconditionally. Su Bai began to prepare the ice and snow army to attack.

Ten minutes later, the insects began to encircle and suppress the sharp knife team.

Most of the bugs went towards the sharp knife team.

The pressure in other places was naturally greatly reduced.

Su Bai immediately took Tianyuan with him. The army and the ice and snow army began to charge.

Su Bai was like a god coming down to earth. Wherever he went, the Zerg suffered heavy casualties.

Chi Lansu assisted Su Bai with all her strength, and the ice magic in her hands made her perfect.

"Someone rushed out!"

"That person is Su Bai, Bai Shen!"

"Let’s rush too!"

"I rushed. I was afraid of death and stayed behind."

"You are just a turtle, I am afraid of everything except death."

For a moment, the entire southern theater was rioting.

They pressed forward desperately.

Seeing this, Zhang Bin hesitated for a second and then gave the order:"In the southern theater, push forward across the board."

With Su Bai taking the lead, and most of the Zerg having already gone to encircle and suppress the"Sharp Knife Group", the attack seemed to go very smoothly.[]

Qin Tianyu from the central war zone saw that Su Bai had stolen the limelight, and his teeth itched with hatred, and he yelled:"Everyone, come with me!"

"It cannot be compared to Su Bai's Tianyuan Army."

Qin Tianyu is also in the Cultivation system, and his main practice is the thunder method.

The thunder method is good at offense but not good at defense.

The attack attribute is definitely ranked in the top three among all the skills in the Cultivation system.

And it is easy to carry out large-scale attacks.

Qin Tianyu led hundreds of thousands of monks under his command. Wherever he passed, thunder and lightning roamed, and the Zerg were either dead or injured. In the blink of an eye, Qin Tianyu had already taken the lead, surpassing the others in the central battlefield.

The lone army went deep, that was Absolute taboo.

It is easy for the enemy to make dumplings for nine...

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