"Really, really defeated?"

"Yue Luo... won?"

Jin Kangle, who was forced offline due to coma, woke up not long after.

The first time he woke up, he opened the Lord Terminal and opened the Ten Thousand Races Forum.

There were overwhelming posts about Yue Luo.

This almost made him black-eyed and fainted again


"Why can I win this?~……"

Jin Kangle wailed uncontrollably, crying bitterly as he was betting on simulated battles as a financial product.

The terminal kept ringing beeps, all of which were private messages for him.


It's a trivial matter to lead in the wrong direction, let others place their bets, and be insulted by others.

For Jin Kangle, the most important thing is the debt he owes.

In this simulated battle, he bet on the two elders, Gui Ming and Ming. Victory, bet 10 billion gold coins, of which more than 7 billion... were borrowed from him.

In other words, not only did he spend all the 3 billion gold coins he had accumulated after so many years of struggling in the world. It was over

, and he still had a debt of 7 billion that needed to be repaid...

Thinking of this, Jin Kangle showed a look of despair and continued to cry loudly.

The heroes and soldiers in his territory did not dare to step forward when they saw it.

Jin Kangle could not Understand, he couldn't understand why, why

Yue Luo, who had only entered the battlefield of the world for more than a year, could... defeat two Yang Shen Lords, and he was also a powerful Yang Shen Lord of the second sequence race, using a weapon that was comparable to the main god. Strength.

But even so, he was defeated by Yue Luo, which is simply unbelievable.

"It's not me that's wrong, it's the world……"

"What happened to this world?……"

After a long time, Jin Kangle stopped crying.

He was despairing and his eyes were confused.


There are many people like Jin Kangle who regard the battle between Gui Ming and Yue Luo as a financial product.

Those who were not lords climbed to the rooftop and committed suicide.

It belongs to the lord. He sees no hope for the future, but he is reluctant to leave this world.

After all, with the status of a lord, one is superior to most living beings in the world.


"Yueluo won, the bet……"

Everyone in the Blue Star Alliance was breathing heavily and stared at Bai Xiaowei.

Gu Linger also stared at Bai Xiaowei, her eyes were extremely bright.

It is known that

Bai Xiaowei has more wealth than everyone else in the Blue Star Alliance combined except herself and Su Yu.

It is also known that when Yue Luo fights against Gui Ming and Gui Ming, his odds of victory are extremely high, as high as 12 times.

If it weren't for Yue Luo's reputation as an invincible legend, which resulted in more 11520th class lords betting on him,

I'm afraid the odds would have gone up.

To be honest, generally speaking, if a lord who is not a god fights against a lord of the Yangshen level, the odds are a hundred times, a thousand times, or ten thousand times.

After all, it is an absolutely impossible victory.

Yue Luo is an exception.

He is the one who makes the impossible possible.

Therefore, the odds are 12x.

The odds of 12 times are, to be honest, very scary and amazing.

Special person, when everyone in the Blue Star Alliance knew that Bai Xiaowei had put all her net worth into the pressure

"Xiaowei, which banker did you bet on?"

"How about... let's go collect the account together? Gu

Ling'er asked tentatively.

With Bai Xiaowei's wealth, she was really afraid that the banker would run away and refuse to admit his debt.

"They are from the goblin tribe. They do business and have a good reputation in the world."

"It's not like... he's going to run away."

Bai Xiaowei looked at everyone's excitement and excitement, but was extremely depressed, and said:"In that case, let's go together."


Everyone cheered. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

At the same time, Jian Ruiming couldn't hold back the smile on his face, but he tried his best to hold it back. He looked like a fool

"I said, little fat man, are you over the moon too?"Tian Feng touched Jian Ruiming's fat belly twice with his elbow.

"Well, I pressed."

Jian Ruiming couldn't bear it anymore and laughed out loud.[]

He was so happy,

Bai Shen was indeed Bai Shen, and he was right to follow Bai Shen in betting!

Moreover, he was betting on a mythical item. Judging from the 12 times odds... In addition to the original mythical item, if it was returned to him intact, he could also get 11 mythical items!

Just thinking about it makes me want to ascend to heaven.

Damn it, can those saint sons and saints from hundreds of tribes have 12 mythical items?

Although... it is impossible for the banker to get 12 mythical items from the 11520th session, but even from previous sessions, the mythical items that are not restricted-level transactions are still quite powerful.

Although the [cross-class stone] items outside of the restricted-level transactions defined by Astana do not directly improve combat effectiveness, the accumulated strength of the territory will definitely increase.

Whether it’s resources or gains, it’s exciting to think about

"Oh, it would be better if I suppressed it too"

"I shouldn't have doubted Shirakami. Tian

Feng shook his head and sighed twice.

Bai Xiaowei did not know that in the betting circle, led by the Blue Star Alliance and others, a small number of people had paid attention to her, and had given her the title of White God.

Jian Ruiming and Tian Feng did not call Bai Xiaowei that way in person.

They were afraid that after Bai Xiaowei found out that they were betting along with them, she would secretly bet without them.……

"Believe in Bai Shen and take off on the spot."

Looking at Tian Feng who looked uncomfortable, Jian Ruiming smiled and said,"The creed of the Baishen Sect"


"damn it"

"That lunatic suppressed Yueluo, suppressed so much? ?"

"So many gold coins cost you Male Gobi? ?"

"There are more than twenty mythical items?"

"I'm sorry for your numbness!!"

Goblin clan, Wantong Chamber of Commerce.

A short goblin jumped up and down, so angry that he was so angry.

On the side, many goblins lowered their heads and did not dare to speak.

The man in charge, who had always been dignified and polite, was so angry that he even uttered words that no one had ever heard. The curse words she used were simply eye-catching.

It took a long time for

Goblin Tatasha to stop insulting her, but the anger in her heart could not be calmed down for a long time.

"Lady Tatasha...will always provide us with funds, right?"

A goblin stepped forward and asked with a trembling voice.

"Get lost, you little brat!!"

Tatasha cursed angrily. It's this bastard who received the god of plague named Bai Xiaowei.

Damn it...

The goblin was scolded by Tatasha, who was even shorter than him. He quickly lay down on the ground and started rolling. Get out. Got out

"What the hell……"

Two lines of tears flowed down Tatasha's cheeks.

Previously, Bai Xiaowei came to place bets and shocked her. She was still a little complacent.

It seemed that the plague god circulating in the lottery was not that good.

Giving away more than twenty mythical treasures is quite nice!

It's still from the 11520th class.

The newer the treasure, the more valuable it is.

But she didn't expect... Yueluo actually won.

"My aunt, Yue Luo, how did you win?……"

Tatasha burst into tears.

The Wantong Chamber of Commerce suddenly lost countless gold coins, plus more than two hundred mythical items.

This has alarmed the association.

To be honest, if the soul contract hadn't been there,

Tatasha would have left her job, packed up her gear and run away..

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