Has Yu Xi found this boy?

Did Yu Xi invite this bastard to dinner?

Yuxi has never even invited me to dinner!

Qi Lin, you piece of shit, labor and management are going to kill you.

Can you smell Yuxi's fragrant breath? Why don't you die, you pervert?

Wang Cheng was so jealous that he clenched his fists tightly.

But he hasn't lost his mind yet, and he still keeps a smile on his face, seeming to be listening to Qi Lin's words. the other side.

Lan Yuxi, who was sitting in the back of the car, looked helpless and covered her face.

Her pretty face turned red.

Don't talk about it, Qi Lin kissed her all over her mouth.

Still French.

It was too much, and she guessed that Qi Lin couldn't be so honest.

He definitely told this to Wang Cheng on purpose.

"The monitor is such a good person, he even took the initiative to enlighten you.·········By the way, you went back to school after the monitor gave you instructions, right?"

People are so mean. The more jealous they get, the more they want to know what happens next."

"go back? No, doesn't she sit behind you? Are your eyes okay? Can't even see it from this close?"

Qi Lin couldn't bear it anymore, and the corners of his mouth curled up crazily.


Wang Cheng felt like his neck was rusty, and he didn't know how he turned around.

When he saw Lan Yuxi looking at him with an embarrassed expression, his heart became cold.

Yuxi was actually sitting in Qilin's car?

It's not enough to treat Qi Lin, the bastard, to dinner. Did you take him to Qi Lin's car?

The two people's eyes intertwined at this moment.

Wang Cheng was doubtful, heartbroken, puzzled, and sad·········

Lan Yuxi feels guilty, embarrassed, wronged, and wants to cry but has no tears·········

"Hey, Wang Cheng, why are you two looking at each other? Are you seeing the right person? Didn't you tell me that you don't like the monitor?"

"I'm interested in the squad leader right now and I'm going to chase her. You don't want to get involved, right?"

Qi Lin interrupted the two people's gaze at an inappropriate time and said with a smile.

"Get in touch with your ancestors!"

Wang Cheng scolded Qi Lin crazily in his heart.

He understood now that Qi Lin really was still thinking about his sweetheart.

"Ahem, Qilin, what did you say? We are still high school students now, so it is better not to fall in love. When the teacher finds out, he will be punished."

Wang Cheng will definitely not admit that he likes Lan Yuxi, otherwise what will happen if Qi Lin reports him to the teacher?

At the same time, he also wants to restrain Qi Lin and make him stop coveting Lan Yuxi.

"You are you and I am me, don’t mix them up. You are a top student. You should study hard, make progress every day, and contribute to society in the future. I am just a rich second generation who just hangs around and waits for death. It’s normal to fall in love in high school, you say. Isn't it?"

Qi Lin grinned and kept irritating Wang Cheng.

Wang Cheng's mouth twitched and he really didn't know what to say.

He found that a rich second generation with a bottom line, morality and loyalty is easy to fool.

But a The scoundrel, unruly, lying-down bastard rich second generation is so invincible.

"It's really weird, you two are sitting at the same table, but you don't even say a word when you meet. I really suspect that you are having an affair secretly."

Qi Lin curled his lips and started the car.

Lan Yuxi finally reacted at this time, her pretty face turned red, and she said angrily:"Qi Lin, if you talk nonsense again, I will fight with you. You have told me and Wang Sincerity is just a classmate relationship. Wang

Cheng's heart ached when he heard Lan Yuxi's words.

The jealous boy could no longer tell whether Lan Yuxi's words were true or false.

He forced a smile and said:"Qi Lin, we are not you As I thought, I just didn't expect the monitor to ride in your car, and the monitor is a girl, so it's really not good for you to tease her like this."

Qi Lin was just trying to sow discord. Seeing that his goal was achieved, he smiled and said,"It's just a joke, why do everyone take it seriously?

After arriving at the school, Qi Lin said to the two of them:"You guys get out of the car first, and I'll park the car.""

Qi Lin had already planted the seeds of suspicion in Wang Cheng's heart. It was time for him to leave and let the two quarrel.

After hearing Qi Lin's words, Wang Cheng and Lan Yuxi finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Wang Cheng had I want to ask Lan Yuxi a lot.

But Lan Yuxi wants to escape from Qi Lin, the big devil, and doesn’t want to stay with him for a moment.

"Yuxi, why do you want to enlighten someone like Qi Lin? Listen to what he just said, he is planning on you!"

Walking on the campus path, Wang Cheng couldn't bear it anymore and questioned Lan Yuxi.

Lan Yuxi didn't like Wang Cheng's questioning tone, which made her seem to have made a mistake.

"Don't talk about me first, just talk about yourself. I also advised you not to have contact with him at the beginning. What did you do? If you haven't taken the initiative to make friends with him, how do you have the right to criticize me?"

Lan Yuxi said with a pretty face.

Wang Cheng was worried and said without thinking about it:"Yuxi, I don't want to be friends with that stupid rich second generation at all. I'm just using him and playing tricks on him. Do you understand or not?"

At this time, Lan Yuxi was a little bit incredulous when she heard the truth blurted out by Wang Cheng.

At the same time, she seemed to understand something.

No wonder Qi Lin would target her, no wonder Qi Lin would punish Wang Cheng. It turned out that he had already It’s obvious that Wang Cheng did something immoral. This is revenge on him.

"Yuxi, tell me honestly why you are with this bastard and sitting in his car."

Wang Cheng is still brooding over what happened just now and is very jealous.

PS: Before it was put on the shelf, it was stable at four chapters a day. After it was put on the shelf, the number of chapters increased from 2,000 to 5,000 words. It is guaranteed not to be less than four chapters a day, which is other people's 10 There are still many chapters, and this does not include the explosive updates. The number of explosive updates on the first day depends entirely on the data you vote for.

PS: So Qi Lin implores all brothers to vote more flowers! Rewards! Monthly votes! Urgent updates! Qi Lin Thanks here!

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