The battle continues.

The two wild gods we defeated this time:"Diyaus" and"Pritivi" are actually the evolved versions of the lion-shaped wild god"Sunbira"

""Diyaus" has a jet-black and thick mane, which makes it even more domineering and powerful.

And the face of"Pritivi" is an elegant human female face with her eyes closed.

Paired with the huge lion-like body of the Aragami, it looks particularly special. Incongruous, but with a strange sense of beauty.

Rean vaguely remembers that these two lions were nicknamed"Black and White Lions" by players in the original game.

In addition to their appearance, what is also impressive is their powerful strength!


"Diyaus", whose body was already scarred, let out an angry roar.

After accumulating power on the spot for a moment, his body suddenly rotated and directly repeled the mechanical soldiers trying to approach!

A blazing lightning exploded from the ground, and a dazzling electric light shot straight into the sky!

"Oops... It seems that this big lion is angry."

Nana, who is proficient in biology, can tell at a glance that"Diyaus" is in a certain state of awakening at this time.

Not only has his strength increased by leaps and bounds, but his attack methods have also changed greatly.

His aggressiveness has greatly increased and he has become... Extremely manic!

"Do you need help?"

Mengmeng turned to look at Li En, but the latter shook his head slightly, as if he didn't care about the changes on the battlefield.

"hold on."

He looked at the Aragami who was wrapped in thunder,

"The battle is about to end."

The crimson thunder pillar was like a spear, falling from the sky.

Diavus walked in the thunder light. After a brief"awakening", a pair of huge wings wrapped with electric light spread out from its back!

The next moment , it launched a mighty charge towards the enemy in front of it!

"After"Opening Wings", even the most common attacks carry a large amount of electromagnetic attribute additional damage!

If you are not careful, even B-level reincarnation players will be instantly killed!

However, the"Iron Heart Forbidden" in the two combat formations However, the"Guards" came forward, and the weathered force field shield in their hands instantly switched to the blue"electromagnetic" defense attribute!


A huge collision sounded loudly, and the two"Iron Heart Guards" who worked together to resist were dragged directly on the ground. Traces of tens of meters were left!

Even the stance shields almost collapsed under this tyrannical impact!

But they still stood proudly on the battlefield and were not completely defeated!

At the moment when they withstood this impact, other mechanical soldiers also took advantage of it. Taking advantage of Aragami's stiffness after the attack, he launched a fierce attack!

The"Mechanical Technician" with various floating cannons and high-energy laser prisms floating beside him took the lead in attacking. After applying the"curse" of"structural embrittlement", They began to continuously use mechanical creations to carry out long-range strikes.

Also providing long-range support were the"Storm Judge" and the"Energy Waiter" who were armed with heavy firepower firearms.

They were war arms transformed from the"Amazon" and the"Witch" respectively.!

The former can be said to be the fusion and enhanced version of"Sword Dancer" and"Ranger"! It not only has flexible mobility and agility, but also has powerful long-range output firepower!

It comes with electromagnetic, high temperature, absolute zero, chemical corrosion The bullets waiting for the attack special effects exploded into colorful special effects on the body of"Diyaus". The intensive offensive was like a storm that made people unable to breathe.

And this is also the origin of the name of the"Storm Judge" unit!

""Energy Attendant" is an all-powerful"spellcaster" who has been given the authority of"Magic Network" by Rean!

It is equivalent to a large-scale spellcasting unit equipped with Magic Network nodes. It can not only cast many offensive spells, but also It can be directly"expanded" to become the"signal hub" of the Magic Network!

On the battlefield at this time, the"Energy Waiters" of the two teams cooperated extremely well.

One"Source Energy Waiter" directly acted as the"Signal Amplifier" of the Magic Network.

Paired with the spells performed by another"Energy Attendant", all mechanical soldiers were directly blessed with various buffing states!

"Diyaus", which was hit head-on, let out an unwilling roar again, and it gave up its resistance one after another. The attacking"Iron Heart Guard" rushed directly towards the most threatening mechanical soldier in the back row!

But as soon as he had any intention of taking action, a sturdy figure wielding a rocket hammer struck directly at its head. Come!


The alloy hammer weighing several tons, with its powerful force and rocket-assisted acceleration, directly smashed the Aragami's face to pieces!

Even with the high-speed regeneration properties of Oracle Cells,

Diawu Si had to face the fate of being"disfigured" for a while!

More importantly, its offensive was blocked by this hammer!

"Mechanical Outlaws", a war arm derived from"Barbarians", pure melee-specialized mechanical soldiers!

Because they have abandoned all long-range attack methods and specialize in close combat.

Mechanical Outlaws are the most powerful of all war arms. Its ability to control and suppress!

Once it gets close, even B-level enemies will find it extremely difficult!

Especially... after being caught in the front by the"Weapon Martial Maniac", the exposed back will also suffer A devastating attack from another melee soldier!

Buzz -

The alloy war blade blessed with a"high-frequency edge" quietly penetrated into Diaeus's body.

This seemingly inconspicuous attack directly hit the enemy's body. A strong explosion was triggered inside the body!

After being hit hard and hit one after another, Aragami was finally overwhelmed and fell to the ground. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

And the soldier who completed the final blow, at this time Only then can it be seen from the air

""Shadow Agent", an assassination war type transformed from"Assassin", has the highest burst damage and execution ability among all types of arms!

It also inherits the martial arts skill tree of"Assassin", which can infuse mechanical power into attacks. , detonating the"mark" applied to the target, causing a terrifying instant burst of damage and additional special effects!

At the same time as"Diyaus" was killed, the battle on another battlefield had also ended.

And the time to complete the battle It is faster than killing"Diyaus".

Because there is also a gap between the wild gods,"Pritivi" does not have an"awakening" stage, so the battle of the second team of mechanical soldiers is relatively easy.

"The kill took 15 minutes and 37 seconds... There should be a lot of room for optimization."

Rean glanced at the battle records, and then walked to the mechanical soldiers who were lined up and waiting for review.

".You guys did a great job."

These mechanical soldiers are all equipped with"intermediate artificial intelligence" level control chips.

Faced with Rean's approval, they all made the same reply.

【Glory to the emperor, victory to the void!】


"Um? What's wrong, everyone is looking at me like this."

Back at his residence, Li En asked doubtfully to the two sisters who cast complicated looks at him.

Mengmeng and Nana were whispering along the way without even saying a word to him.

While chatting, they secretly looked at him... Do you really think he can't find it?

"It's nothing, I just feel like... Rean, you must be a big shot somewhere, right?"

Hearing Mengmeng's answer, Li En twitched the corner of his mouth.

The big big can he be bigger than you two?

Unless I am the illegitimate son of the world lord.

Li En said confidently, while quietly thinking in his heart One more thing to add.

I just carry a system with me.

"Really, that’s good."

Hearing Li En's answer, Mengmeng and Nana breathed a sigh of relief.

They were mainly worried that if Li En was really like them and the successor of a large force, they would not get along with each other (Zhao's). ) may not be as easy as it is now.

And it also involves various diplomatic-related matters, which is very troublesome.

The princesses of Debbie Luke who have received royal education since childhood are very sensitive to this kind of thing.

"But... the scene just now is really similar."

After returning to her room, Mengmeng whispered

"I feel it too……"

Nana nodded sympathetically.

"At that moment, I thought Dad had come to catch us in the reincarnation space."

"But he should be looking for a fiancé for his sister now.……"

Mengmeng and Nana sighed in unison as they thought of their father, the overlord of Debbie Luke who was so powerful in the entire galaxy, but now just wanted to retire early so he could eat, drink and have fun.

"It's so abominable that he obviously wants to find an heir himself, but he has to pretend to be looking for a fiancé for Sister Lala."

Suddenly, the two sisters were stunned and looked at each other.

"When it comes to choosing a fiancé... isn't there a suitable goal in front of you?"


(I went to Station P, and the nutrition was a bit behind emmmmm).

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