Although he is only C-level,

Rean already has the fighting style of a senior mechanic player.

That is, if you can't play, you won't play, and leave everything to the younger brother to handle.

Frankly speaking, with a logistics"planet" like [Eden],

Rean's mechanical army can reach an endless state in a short period of time.

When there are sufficient troops and the site is under one's own control, a steady stream of mechanical soldiers can overwhelm all enemies...

But this is a trump card method, so Rean will not use it easily.

Yui can take over most of the battles on his behalf, but today he went out in person because he wanted to test out the newly developed"weapon""


With a crisp sound, the space beside Li En became distorted.

It was like watching the battlefield through a layer of water curtain.

"Secondary space transmission technology... I remember Mengmeng, you are an expert in this field, right?"

Seeing the familiar teleportation scene, Nana couldn't help but said to her sister beside her.

After all, even her"Planet Zoo" system was developed by Mengmeng.


Mengmeng nodded gently, a pair of beautiful lavender eyes staring at the space below.

"Mr. Li En said that he only mastered the secondary space application technology not long ago.……"

"But in terms of transmission speed and scale, his ability to control this technology is almost as good as mine."

"But he is only C-level?!"

"Yes, then there is only one possibility."

Mengmeng hugged her knees, resting her smooth 480-inch chin on her knees, and said quietly. If Li En heard Mengmeng's guess, he would probably secretly say," She is indeed the princess of the galaxy."

It's true, and even the"space law affinity" obtained through evolution is pointed out.

After all, she is the daughter of the overlord of the galaxy, and her vision alone has surpassed most extraordinary and even legendary powerhouses!

"Oh...I didn't expect him to be quite strong."

Nana was not sure about the technical issues and nodded vaguely.

With her identity and status, she had naturally come into contact with many young talents from other planets.

Therefore, she was very interested in Li En's performance at this time. I don’t feel much strength

"As for the mechanic, what was teleported should be his own mechanical army, right?"


Mengmeng also looked at the things transmitted by Li En with curious eyes...

However, when Li En's"weapon" was really revealed, the two of them were stunned at the same time and couldn't help but exclaimed.


"This is... Aragami? No, what exactly is it?!"

What was teleported to Rean was a group of unknown creatures the size of calves.

They had a wolf-like body structure and appearance, but their silver-white fur was covered with some armor-like exoskeletons.

In addition, The parts on both sides of (bcdd)'s body are also dotted with sporadic lavender crystals.

Some of the physical characteristics of these"wolves" are very similar to Aragami, but overall, they seem to have the characteristics of several other creatures..

This is the fusion of the genes of"Gastrela" and"Oracle Cells", supplemented by the"Apocalypse Virus" to add void factors. A brand new species created by the life technology from three worlds!

Rean will This new species is named……

——Void hunting beast!

"Although it's only in the experimental stage, it should be no problem to deal with two B-level elites, right?"

A luxurious purple light faintly appeared in Rean's eyes.

This was him using the authority of the"Void Emperor" to issue orders to these hunting beasts!

The creature's official name is"Type I Void Headhunter-Tearer" Weapons are faster than real wolves!

The moment they received the attack order, they had already divided into three teams and outflanked the two Aragami in the distance!

"Strange, doesn't Mr. Rean plan to coordinate the attack?"

Mengmeng looked at Li En who was still standing where he was, feeling a little puzzled.

"Although there are many of these creatures, they are all C-level... It is still a bit difficult to deal with two B-level elite Aragami."

"What do you think, Nana...huh?"

Looking back, Mengmeng found that her sister had calmed down, staring at the void hunting beasts galloping on the battlefield without blinking.

These handsome and brand-new creatures with distinctive characteristics quickly attracted her attention.

Seeing Na With Na's concentration on her face, Mengmeng also snickered and looked away.

After returning her attention to the battlefield, she discovered that those strange creatures were already fighting with"Chi You" and"Fu Ri La"!

However, as expected, There were no casualties among them.

On the contrary, the two stronger Aragami were already in a state of embarrassment! The

Aragami named"Chiyou" was a monster with a bird's head and human body.

Its arms were in the shape of wings, but it was extremely Sharp and tough!

Because of the structure of his body, Chi You's movements are very flexible, and he can use wind pressure to perform short gliding and jumping from time to time.

But the Void Rippers who are hunting"Chi You" seem to already know its combat movements. When the second-rate"Chi You" takes off, it will disperse directly, without giving it any chance to attack!

And when the"Chi You" lands, it will swarm up again and continue to use its powerful bite force and sharp claws to attack!

Not only that, in After completing a"bite", the void hunting beast will erupt with an even more powerful aura!

——Predatory attack!

These void hunting beasts actually have"predatory attacks" that can only be made by the divine machine of the"God Eater"!

In other words, they themselves are equivalent to a biological"magic machine""!


From the other side of the battlefield, the roar of"Sun Binding" came! (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But this roar is more of a cry of despair and unwillingness.

The Aragami, who originally had the appearance of a domineering lion, now had no intact part of his body.

The hard joints were completely destroyed, exposing his fragile internal organs.

Although he barely managed to fall down thanks to the powerful vitality of the Aragami, this would only allow the surrounding headhunters to enjoy more"oracle cells"!

Rean recorded the data while thinking about the direction of improvement.

"If you increase the proportion of void factors, you might even have the unique evolutionary ability of the void race."

"But in that case, the coverage rate of Void Crystal will be greatly increased... which may affect the flexibility."

"Forget it, let’s do this for now, wait until more advanced Aragami samples are available before conducting new experiments."

Actually, the [Void Hunter] project has been launched for a long time.

But this time I happened to come to the copy of"God Eater" and pieced together the last piece of the puzzle.

And the reason why Rean created the [Void Hunter] is also very simple. ——Among the 7 legion types he obtained in the copy of"Dark God Realm",

""Druid"'s transformation profession"Strong Reproduction Vanguard", the skill tree of the summoning system still has vacancies. The endgame of the battle is extremely bloody, just like a real hunt in nature. The Aragami who is unable to escape fights to the end, but still cannot avoid becoming food..

At the end of the battle, Rean snapped his fingers again.

He saw the void hunting beasts throwing down the food in their mouths with great obedience, quickly gathered around Rean, and teleported away directly.

The whole process was extremely smooth, like a circus. It’s the same as the group’s pre-rehearsed program

"Hey, those……"

Nana saw that Aragami had defeated them all and immediately jumped down.

With a hurried expression, he was about to ask about headhunting, but before he could finish his words, Li En immediately covered his mouth.

"Shhh... keep your voice down."

Li En made a"silence" gesture to Nana, whose pretty face was red from suppressing her emotions.

"Mr. Li En, what's wrong?"

Mengmeng also quietly fell from the petals and came over.

"Just look and don't make a sound."

Rean pointed in the direction of the battlefield - he specially left some remains of the waste god so that the hunting beasts would not eat them all.

A few minutes later, a petite figure suddenly emerged from nowhere.

It seemed as if he was smelling something. He was like a child walking all the way to the kitchen following the smell of food. After walking around for a while, he finally found the remains of the Aragami corpse on the ground.

Then... he actually jumped directly on the corpse and started to feast!

Seeing this scene, Rean's face finally He showed an expression of relief. He couldn't help but murmured to himself:

"I didn’t expect that no one would find her after this dungeon was opened so many times.……"

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