"Destroy the world, be serious about it."

Rean couldn't laugh or cry as he took Yui off his body.

From an outsider's point of view, the Yui just now was more like the ultimate boss behind the scenes than Ott Cunningham.


Yui disappeared from Rean's hands happily, and then appeared in his arms again the next moment.

"I just want to say something like this, right?"

"So...what kind of situation are you in now?"

Rean felt the weight on his arms in a strange way.

Although Yui's body is very light, it is really the weight of a little girl.

It is not like before, it is just a shadow composed of light.

It's a pity. Yui is not a void race and cannot read memories directly.

She used to be an artificial intelligence, but now... Rean doesn't know what she has become.

When it came to business, Yui also became serious and explained in a serious manner.


Li En was keenly aware of a key word.

"That's right."

610 Yui nodded, stretched out her little hand, and touched Li En's cheek.

It was soft, warm, and had the unique sensuality of a child.

This was the message Li En felt.

"Can create matter with normal parameters in the real world……"

"Including the body I am using now"

"Is there such a thing?"

Li En raised his eyebrows.

Although Yui said it easily... but this is not a simple matter.

It involves the authority of God such as"creation"!

It seems that he guessed what Li En was thinking at this time..

Yui shook her head gently.

"It's just a trick based on the instinct after merging with divinity."

"Just use the normal rules of this world to achieve the same result."

There are really a lot of things to think about.

These already involve a lot of knowledge in mysterious fields.

Rean rubbed his temples and sighed.

"It’s nothing."

Yui smiled and disappeared from Li En's arms, then turned around in front of him. Her long black hair and white dress reflected her pure and lovely temperament.

"From a macro perspective, my body is a product that completely conforms to the rules of mass space."

"In other words...except for some special features"

"I'm just like an ordinary human girl now, daddy"

"That's it……"

Li En touched his chin as if he had some realization.

Hearing Li En's question, Yui's little face showed a little surprise.

"As expected of his father, he could detect the connection between them!"

She stretched out her hand and spread her white and tender hands, and a halo of constantly twisting and strange colors gradually condensed on the top of her palm.

"Dad, what is it in your eyes?"

"……A strange and unknown substance."

Li En replied seriously.

It seemed that he had known he would say this for a long time.

The little girl chuckled twice before announcing the answer. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"As far as universal reason is concerned, it is not."

Rean seemed to realize something and was thoughtful.

However, he did not continue to think deeply, but looked at Yui.

Yui threw the"apple" into another hand.

This strange halo did not move along a parabola.

Instead, various abnormal accelerations, decelerations, flashes, etc. occurred during the journey.

"Its peel is red and its flesh is sweet and sour. It weighs 419 grams.……"

"It’s just that it’s a product I created in [imaginary number space]"

"So after getting [Quality Space], it became an indescribable distortion."

"Because the rules of the two worlds are completely different systems……"

Saying that, Yui suddenly thought of something and clapped her hands suddenly

"By the way, to use a metaphor that Dad is good at describing"

"It's like currency in a video game, it can't be used in the real world."

"Because real countries and governments do not recognize the legal rights of the virtual world"

"That's pretty much it."

Such a description, even a child can understand it.

Although Li En almost understood the principle after hearing it halfway.

Li En said with emotion

"On the mysterious side, his status is almost equivalent to that of an ancient god."

"This is something that many people have exhausted their heads and dreamed of."


Yui smiled sheepishly after being praised so much....,

"The computing power is still about the same as before.……"

This is also an issue that Li En is more concerned about.

"How can you improve your strength?"

"It’s very simple. Devour the [cyberspace] of this world and expand my own [virtual kingdom of heaven]】!"

Yui waved her little fist and replied with great momentum.

"war! Launch a war against all wandering AIs in this world!"


Li En looked at Yui's performance and just nodded.

"Come on"


The little girl's movements suddenly stiffened.

Turning his head, he looked at Li En pitifully

"Dad, can't you help me?"

"I think, now that you have grown up, it is time to be independent."

Li En showed a"kind" smile and touched Yui's little head.

"You can handle such a small thing yourself, right?"


Yui opened her mouth in embarrassment and said helplessly

"There are too many circulating AIs, I can't handle them……"


Li En keenly noticed something was wrong.

"Can you just use the [Black Wall] as a cover to gradually eat away at the wandering AI outside?"

Black wall...

Hearing this word, Yui's little face suddenly drooped.

She whispered carefully...,

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