
Look away from the virtual screen.

Li En exhaled a breath and looked at the sky outside the window.

He rubbed his eyes to relieve the fatigue he had just released from the vast amount of information.

According to the information provided by Arasaka Yorinobu, all organizations and forces are kept silent outside the black wall.

It is a huge and mysterious AI empire.

Decades ago, the"cyberapocalypse" caused by the death of Bartmos destroyed the networks of the old era, and awakened the aggressiveness of countless artificial intelligences under the influence of"war."

As a result, these artificial intelligence AIs have escaped human control and become extremely dangerous"fluid AIs".

In addition to being extremely destructive, these wandering AIs are also given"free" will by Buttermos.

The order of human society is being systematically and regularly disrupted all the time.

The chaotic circulating AI forced large companies around the world to build a data"black wall" to isolate the old-era networks and circulating AI from the newly built networks.

Only then did the old order gradually return to normal.

"Two key messages."

Li En thought carefully.

"First, build the technology of [Black Wall]."

Although [Black Wall] is the product of mankind's failure to fight against rogue AI.

But the technology used to build [Black Wall] is not without merit.

On the contrary, it can withstand such dangerous rogue AI, which shows that [Black Wall] technology is at least at the defensive level. Very strong.

If he can use it,

Rean can build his own"black wall".

In virtual confrontation, he will have a huge advantage!

"Second, the artificial intelligence empire built by circulating AI……"

Currently, the only AI Rean has is Yui.

Although Yui is a super AI with powerful computing power, it cannot take care of scientific research and combat at the same time.

If these wandering AIs can be conquered, they can be used as a virtual"army" dedicated to destruction.

This will free up most of Yui’s computing power.

Whether it is specializing in scientific research or concentrating computing power to execute"war".

It can greatly improve Rean's overall strength!

"However... these rogue AIs are difficult to deal with."

Rean touched his chin, feeling a little headache.

If it was just a simple wandering AI, he was actually not weak.

After all, he can be regarded as the successor of Buttermos.

Once the analysis of"Cyber ​​Apocalypse" is completed, he can Find out the weaknesses of these AIs.

Except... the super AI named"Ott-Cunningham".

She is the ultimate artificial intelligence transformed from the genius hacker who developed the"Soul Killer".

Because she was not"Symbol" An AI transformed by the influence of"Bo Tianqi", so even Rean has nothing to do with her.

"In the original game, Ultra only needed a chip to instantly break through the security system of Arasaka Tower."

"As a super AI, he is probably even more powerful than Yui"

"Not to mention, there are countless circulating AIs under its command that can be called upon……"

While thinking, a cheerful figure suddenly appeared in front of Li En

"Dad, the resolution of [Cyber ​​Apocalypse] has reached the cutoff point, and I’m here to play with you!"

Yui rushed towards Rean, but her body was just a virtual projection and passed directly through Rean.

This scene has been played many times, but Yui still continued happily.

"Is the resolution at 75%? Not bad, thank you for your hard work."

Rean changed his position and lay on the sofa.

This was the only good news he heard.

But in fact, he has gained enough in this dungeon.

Even if he returns to the reincarnation space directly, it will not be a loss.

"By the way, Yui, what do you think about [Black Wall]?"

Li En suddenly had a flash of inspiration and asked Yui.

He had been thinking about the trouble in front of him alone just now.

Why not change the angle and think about it from the perspective of Yui - or from the perspective of a super AI?

"Black wall?"

Yui raised her head, blinked, and replied.

At the moment just now, she had retrieved relevant information through the database...,


Li En asked curiously.

"If it were you, could you break through this wall?"

Hearing Li En's question, Yui's little face showed a tangled look.

She seemed to be thinking about it very seriously.

"Hmm...if all the computing power of Eden is used, there should be a slight possibility"

"After all, there are already many cracks in this wall, ah, it should be more appropriate to say [security loopholes]." (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"However, there is a lot of danger behind the black wall!"

Suddenly, Yui didn't know what she thought of.

She said with lingering fear.

"There was one very scary enemy that wiped out all the crawlers I released."

"If it wasn't blocked by a black wall, I'm afraid it would be traced back directly and attack the server directly!"

"No...it's already here."

When Li En heard about the [security vulnerability] on the black wall, he already had a bad premonition in his heart.

Since then, he has been monitoring the security of his virtual network...

Sure enough, just before Yui, After telling the information about that terrifying and powerful enemy, the temporary server where Yui is located was attacked!

"ah?! That's it!"

Yui reacted quickly and opened all the firewalls instantly!

Unfortunately, most of her computing power at this time was used to maintain the analysis of"Cyber ​​Apocalypse".

There was no extra power to resist the enemy's attack...

But fortunately , Rean took action in time.

He used his extremely solid knowledge reserve and intelligent intrusion technology to block this wave of virtual attacks.

However, his expression did not improve much.

Because from the invasion just now, he discovered……

"Ott Cunningham, this should just be a test for you."

Rean said directly.

He believed that as a super AI,"Ultra Cunningham" should be able to monitor his information through various channels.

"Why are you attacking me? I have no enmity or grudge against you."

Bang - the TV in the apartment room suddenly made a crackling sound.

It seemed that some kind of original component inside was overloaded and burned.

But then, a humanoid outline composed of data appeared on the screen.

The face of this humanoid was very blurry.

Only Can barely identify the posture of a woman through the body curve

【Your existence is extremely dangerous to"us"]

Lines of text gradually appeared on the screen

【If you don't want to be an enemy of"us", hand over the inheritance of Buttermos]

So that's it.

Seeing this line of words, Li En suddenly understood.

It turns out that what Ott Cunningham is worried about is the"Cyber ​​Apocalypse" in his hands!

This is the basis for creating"AI empires", and it is also their biggest weakness!

"I disagree."

Li En sneered.

【what do you want? 】

Ott Cunningham typed the subtitles calmly.

As an artificial intelligence that has long since lost its humanity.

She doesn't have emotions like anger

【Money in human society? Or power?】

【If you want, I can make you mayor of Night City】

【Or the underground king of Night City】

【As long as you agree to hand over Buttermos' network access module】

"Mayor of Night City...this city has indeed been infiltrated by you a long time ago."

Li En smiled.

"It's a pity that you can't give me what I want."

【State your terms]

Otter Cunningham said simply and straightforwardly.

"I want to take all of you wandering AIs for my own use."

Otter Cunningham was silent for a moment.

【If the conditions are not met, the transaction is cancelled.】

【You'll Regret It]

The subtitles disappear, and Ott Cunningham disconnects from Behind the Black Wall.

Even it cannot move within the black wall for too long.

After all, there are still organizations like [Internet Monitoring] in this world that are always watching the black wall.

"Dad...I'm sorry……"

Yui whispered with a disappointed expression.

"I'm too weak……"


After confirming that Ot Cunningham disappeared from the surrounding network,

Rean softened his expression and said softly

"In this case, do you want to become stronger?"

"Although...it might be a bit risky."

As he said that, he took out a long-dusted prop from the ring.

【Divinity: Can be fused with"non-physical life units" to make the unit have"divine" attribute effects】


(I could have updated it earlier today, but someone went to the new book page and asked me to write this book... To be honest, with the fee for this book, I couldn't afford to find a ghostwriter. Besides, there are so many troublesome terms and nouns, and there are no ghostwriters. You will definitely be willing to accept it. In short, if there are still people reading this book, I will continue writing it. If no one reads it, I will finish it. Everyone will be happy).

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