The situation on the battlefield changes rapidly.

After the reinforcements called by Adam Hammer entered the battlefield, within a few seconds, the inside of the computer room was flooded by puppet soldiers teleported out of thin air!

——Secondary space teleportation! This was Rean's first actual combat after mastering the knowledge of [Secondary Space Application]... Now it seems that the effect is good. While the automatic puppet was fighting with the Arasaka Group's thugs, Rean retreated while connecting to the brain.

"Yui, is the analysis progress coming to an end?"

He just noticed that Yui took the initiative to take over the control of these automatic puppets.

If you are still analyzing [Cyber ​​Apocalypse], you will not be able to allocate so much computing power.

"Yes dad, the analysis progress has reached 50%!"

The virtual image of Yui appeared in front of Li En's eyes, as cheerful as a primary school student who had just finished his homework.

Hearing Yui's feedback, Li En raised his eyebrows, as if he thought of something.

"oh? So...the second [Secret Key of Apocalypse] has been generated?"

【There are four Apocalypse Secret Keys in total.

One can be generated every 25% of the analysis progress.

Since Yui said that the analysis progress has reached 50%, then the second [Apocalypse Key] should already exist... without waiting for Rean to check the relevant system logs.

Yui confidently patted her chest and said

"That's right, the second Apocalypse Key is now on Yui's body!"

"Dad, do you want to see the function of the Apocalypse Key?"

Looking at Yui who was eager to try, Li En thought for a moment.


However, he added

"Don't go too far. There are things I need in this computer room."

"Hehe... Got it!"

With Rean's permission,

Yui happily rushed up and pecked Rean on the face.

Unfortunately, she was just a virtual projection and had no entity.

It was just a show.

The next moment, the person named"Yui" Super AI, holding up its white and tender arms……

【The application for launching an important"Apocalypse" level plan has been detected. Is it approved? 】

A system announcement appeared in front of Rean's eyes.

This is a notification from the"intelligent brain", not from the reincarnation space.

Although he verbally agreed to Yui, as a rigorous logical system, he must pass a series of authority reviews before he can officially activate this"Apocalypse Key""


Li En looked at the battlefield filled with flames and said softly.

【An application for the use of"Apocalypse Key-War" has been detected. Is it approved?】


【Permission verification completed, encryption instructions are being executed……】

The next moment, Yui suddenly opened her eyes, and the bright red fire of war seemed to be burning in her beautiful eyes that were originally full of innocence and purity! Arasaka Tower, above ground floors. The originally bright light suddenly dimmed, flickered for a moment and then went out completely. Although the emergency lights were quickly turned on, most of the entertainment appliances failed invariably. It was as if the electricity that was supposed to supply the entire building was drained out in an instant!

"what happened?.!"

The logistics manager asked hysterically on the emergency channel

"We didn’t know either, all the equipment was out of action and didn’t listen to our orders at all!"

The network security technicians hired by Arasaka Company were sweating profusely troubleshooting, but before them was a desperate fact - the internal network that was supposed to be their own territory seemed to have all rebelled.

They He was stopped outside the security door by the network countermeasures unit that he was proud of!


"Directive, compulsory recruitment."

Yui spat out a few characters expressionlessly.

The immature childish voice exuded a steely chill at this moment.

The security personnel who could barely resist the automatic puppet offensive were horrified to find that under the command of"war", All electronic equipment failed instantly...

No, it did not fail, but"betrayed" them!

The grenades on the waist automatically detonated, and the smart guns containing technology chips were guided by the attackers themselves!

Not to mention these security personnel Advanced prosthetics are installed in their bodies.

Under the influence of the"Secret Key of the Apocalypse", this expensive creation... has become the murder weapon to kill them!

Taking advantage of this chaotic time, dozens of"Sword Dancers" Breaking through the defense line in an instant, wielding a high-frequency blade to massacre the out-of-control security personnel.

"Golem virus?!"

As a leader-level enemy, Adam Hammer has been affected the least, but it cannot be said that he has not been affected.

He has the deepest degree of mechanization transformation, so all actions need to resist the shackles imposed by"war".

It can no longer be like before, Able to attack Rean's body at will

"Annoying bastard, a bunch of trash dare to stop me!"(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Adam Heavy Hammer endured the erosion of"war" and impatiently stepped on the floor...


A dull sound suddenly erupted, and a huge kinetic energy appeared. The wave spread out, directly squeezing and scrapping the surrounding"Sword Dancers"!

But the strange thing is that these scrapped automatic puppets should have become garbage and parts everywhere.

But after being torn apart, they still forcibly twisted the incomplete ones. The body grabbed Adam Heavy Hammer's body at all costs!

"Command, war continues."

Yui's long black hair moved automatically without wind, and the edge of the hair was surrounded by lavender mechanical light.

Mechanical creations in the"war" can be controlled by mechanical power as long as they are not crushed into powder.

Restore a certain amount of combat power... thereby greatly enhancing the endurance and long-lasting combat capabilities of the mechanical army!

It can be said to be a very rogue characteristic!

When Adam's Hammer was entangled by the"Sword Dancer" in the front row, the one in the rear The"Ranger" and"Sorcerer" class automatic puppets are also constantly launching attacks!

The intensive and slight firing sounds of the magnetic storm rifles are continuous, and the Adam Hammer is hit with fragments flying everywhere.

It is even mixed with deadly electromagnetic explosions , after being entangled for only a few seconds, his durability plummeted by 14!

This made Adam Hammer, who had always been fearless, finally sense a slight danger of death!

"Can't drag it on like this any longer……"

Adam Hammer was also quite aggrieved at this time.

He was obviously at Arasaka Tower, the base camp of his own power, but he was the one who was at a numerical disadvantage!

If you tell me this, you will definitely get laughed out of your mouth!

However, the legendary thug who had experienced countless killings and fights, after a brief thought, made the only move that could resolve the situation... directly attack Rean!

Obviously, this weird intruder is the manipulator behind these mechanical soldiers.

As long as he can be killed, the interference on his body and these miscellaneous fish should no longer cause trouble!

The next moment, Adam Hammer suddenly turned around, and the micro-missile launcher behind him unfolded directly, and dozens of micro-missiles with astonishing lethality flew out from it, crashing directly towards Rean's position!

".Dad, I am not yet proficient in interfering with the fire control system of a leader-level unit!"

Yui broke away from the"war" state and reminded hastily.

"No problem."

Rean relies on the huge shield provided by [Psychic Body Protection], so he is not afraid that these micro missiles will kill him instantly.

But he will not be bombarded for no reason. He directly reaches out his hand in the void. With one grasp, he took out a petal-shaped colorful shield and blocked it in front of him!

——Void Arms: Deflection Shield!

The void weapon from Arisa of the Enshrinement Hall is the nemesis of all long-range attacks.

Not only can it completely defend and absorb long-range attacks, it can also consume the petals that make up the shield and completely reflect the attack back!

It can be said that from the beginning, all the attack methods of Adam's Hammer have been analyzed by Rean and a complete response has been made!


Seeing the missile he launched turning back to attack him at an angle that was not consistent with common sense (Wang Zhao),

Adam Hammer was shocked for the first time in his life as if he had seen a ghost!

He tried to activate Si'anwei again. Stan, but the surrounding space also produced the same distortion phenomenon as before... and these distorted gravity spaces surrounded him, forcibly forming a"cage""!

——Combination technique - Gravity Cage - Change!

Rean looked at the dozen or so"Sorcerer" level puppets scattered in the computer room with satisfaction.

These puppets do not have strong direct combat capabilities, but they are versatile and can be equipped with various types of spell-casting units.

They are like Swiss army knives and can adapt to various battlefield environments.

"Thank you for the combat data, although I don't think it will be needed in the future."

Rean looked at Adam Hammer who was trapped in a gravity cage, like a trapped beast. He chuckled and shrugged.

"It's a pity that you can't even make an expression with your little flesh."

"Otherwise, I really want to see you frustrated and angry."

At the last moment before it was overwhelmed by countless attacks and its durability returned to zero.

Adam's Hammer roared unwillingly.


【You have killed the B+ boss"Adam's Hammer""!】

【Based on your performance in this boss battle, you have received……】

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