In a daze, Lucy's consciousness gradually emerged from the dark sea of ​​consciousness.

Tiny sounds came from nowhere.

She had never felt that her thoughts could be so light and clear.

From birth, even before birth.

She has already undergone special body modifications by Arasaka Company.

The prosthetic plug-ins all over the body create a hacker with amazing skills.

At the same time, Lucy is constantly fighting against her body.

Flesh and metal, organic matter and inorganic matter, are naturally two mutually exclusive substances.

The more prosthetics implanted in the human body, the more serious the rejection reaction will be. Especially prostheses such as neural network access modules that can directly connect to the human nervous system will seriously disrupt people's minds and thinking. The ubiquitous white noise and beeps have become a daily routine for Lucy. But now, she suddenly felt an ultimate"quietness" or


All those prosthetic bodies that weigh down the body and impose serious burdens seem to have disappeared, without any feeling.

【It is detected that vital signs have become active and you have woken up.】

【Loading the latest information about Night City……】

Seeing the familiar news interface in front of her,

Lucy, who had just opened her eyes, suddenly felt a sense of loss in her heart.

It seems that everything I just felt was just a dream.

"woke up?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Lucy recognized it as Rean's voice, but the moment she heard the voice, a lot of information appeared in her mind!


Lucy's pretty face showed a labored expression, she covered her forehead and looked towards Li En.

The figure of the other party came into view, but it was completely different from before!

Give her an irresistible and irresistible feeling!

At the moment of eye contact,

Lucy already knew many things from the information contained in her bloodline.

She has been transformed into a"void race" by Rean"

"What should I call you?"

Lucy looked at Li En with a complicated expression.

Only then did she realize that the latter's identity and strength had exceeded her imagination.

She was like a speck of dust on his shoes.

He stepped forward, My own destiny can't help but follow him.

"Boss, Boss... whatever you like, just don't go too far."

Li En glanced at her and smiled.

"It seems you haven't realized what happened to you yet."

"However, this also shows that the function of [Intelligence Brain] can completely replace some prosthetics."

"If you are in doubt, check your body."

Hearing Rean's words, Lucy subconsciously reached out and touched the back of her head.

There was originally a layer of bionic skin there, and under the skin, there was a terrifying deep-diving interface the size of a fist!

But now, she only I touched a layer of delicate and moist skin.

There was no prosthetic equipment underneath, but real flesh and blood.

"Although I was originally supposed to ask Yui to explain the current situation to you."

Li En walked over and looked at Lucy's body in wonder.

"But she is currently analyzing [Cyber ​​Apocalypse] and has no extra computing power."

"Just let me explain."

"Your current body no longer has any prosthetic plug-ins or equipment."

"Of course, because of your bloodline, your physical fitness will be much better than that of ordinary people."


I don't have any prosthetic body anymore?!

Lucy opened her mouth slightly and checked every part of her body in disbelief.

Not only the deep dive interface behind her head, but also the mechanical prosthetic hand and single molecule wire Disappeared. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It was replaced by"human hands" that were white, soft, and as bright as jade."

"Then why can I still see Night City’s news website?"

Lucy blinked and asked Li En

"It's its credit."

Rean pointed to his chest.

Lucy looked down and was surprised to find a palm-sized prism crystal floating on her chest.

The crystal emitted a constantly flashing white light, reflecting the complex circuitry inside it.

"Is this... something you gave me before?"

"That’s right, its official name is [Trial Auxiliary Calculation Terminal-Zhi Nao]】"

Li En said softly.

Although his tone was calm, there was joy and pride in his eyes that could not be hidden.


【Trial-type auxiliary computing terminal"Intelligence Brain""】

+Grade: C

+Request: Intelligence 100

+Characteristics: When performing research, analysis and other tasks, the computing power is equivalent to 100 intelligence

+Performance: With the same computing power, 1x more tasks can be performed

+Property: Can be bound to a specific target. After binding, the terminal can be operated through mental fluctuations.

+Sex: to be developed……

+Note:"The void will eventually evolve all things - War Apostle - Xenocide - Rean"


Although it is only a"trial type", the computing power level is only equivalent to 100 intelligence attributes.

Barely able to cross the threshold of C-level.

But this is after all an auxiliary calculation terminal independently developed by Rean.

In a sense, it is extraordinary.

And it has some characteristics of void energy.

For example, it can be bound to the"Void Ethnic" and can be controlled wirelessly out of thin air.

In addition, the maximum number of concurrent tasks is twice as much as that of equipment of the same level!

Rean is still developing other functions. And this is just the most basic prototype.

When the technology matures, special models will definitely be developed in the future, such as the"intelligent brain" server unit specially used for large-scale research and development tasks. It is initially estimated that one The"intelligent brain" can share about 15% of Rean's calculations.

It can reduce up to 880 almost 80% of the data processing work.

He only needs to concentrate on the cutting-edge and most difficult knowledge analysis work.

In other words, start now.

He was riding a"car" that he had built with his own hands.

The research efficiency of various drawings and knowledge will be greatly improved!

However, these are the development progress that Rean expected.

What he was concerned about now... was the change that had happened to Lucy.

After using the racial talent"True King's Power" to transform her into a void race.

On her attribute panel, a brand new special skill appeared out of thin air!


【Special Skill: Critical Mechanical Sense Lv10】

+Positive: +10% mechanical power limit per level, 5% intelligence attribute, 10% mechanical power skill effect

+Break - Edge Break: Attacks involving mechanical force ignore physical, energy, and elemental resistances


This made Rean fall into deep thought.

"I didn’t expect that after the transformation, I would have such special skills."

"A strange coincidence, or an inevitable development?"

"It seems that the first keyholder has been selected.……"

"Which key to the apocalypse should I give her?"

"Plagues, famines, and wars have all been predetermined, so——"


"From today on, she is the keyholder of [Apocalypse Key-Death]"


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